we're able PC.

Wait, so this is a computer head that's also a bong? What the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*?
cennar, Captain of existence welcomes all to, get on down to Padagonia. I'm talking 8 foot tall lizard people with david ike shirts sporting causality agreements with time space and the hole race of: cus there has to be some thing out there more amazing than every thing I've done to numb these things, them deals on wheels... just kidding, but not about the bong or the 8 foot tall lizards, your guess is as good as mine.

-Captain, commander of his own space ship, on a dammed spaced trip

honestly more pictures when I attach the Myvu display as a view finder to the second screen.
Check in shortly at the arbutus live wire blog. Album Art Bongs all sorts of fun stuff, I just joined a band too, and I get to be a performer... more to come with wear able musical artful bongs (PCs and midi controllers oh flax)
I have 2 Dell desktop computers from 2002 and 2004, together they'd have under 2GB of RAM, but would I still be able to at least run a Gamecube emulator?
sounds nicely choppy, desktops sound vague too. like Inte,l via, or what have you, on board graphics?!