TheNineRings art, and art I'll make for you!


Official Hypello of ModRetro
Well, I'm back again, and I'm bored. My artistic ability has improved somewhat, learned some perspective and such, so I'll post art here when I finish it.

Also, if you guys want, I'll create art for you guys. Only a couple of restrictions. Only three people can ask for it at a time, and I'll only accept more requests after I finish the previous three. Also, nothing sexual. I don't draw that trash. Well, it's trash in my own opinion, anyways.
I want a new fsjal or DAT ASS avatar.

You can make it look however you want. I'm just bored with the warden. :/
Give me a little more detail, and I'll do it. What do you mean by fsjal and DAT ASS? Remember, I've been off of here for quite a while, and even when I was on here I didn't really pay any attention to memes.

Is it like with your old avatars that had link doing the teeth thing with sunglasses? And Chibiterasu?
Can you make some sort of cucco avatar (my current and old one are cuccos; chickens in zelda if you don't know) in whatever way you choose? I like the sprite one I have now, but I'd still like something cooler.
I still have the Okami one. I saved it because I liked it that much. :p

Cartoon as in cartoon character, or cartoon as in animated cartoon character? I don't have the proper tools to do the second.