the 04t-Sl-N64p worklog... yeah


Active Member
hi, ima 04tm34l3 (its for oatmeal3, oatmeal is from the oatmeal joke made in frosty the snowman [yes i used to be 5] and 3 is just the best number, so anyway), i have a few years of experience in modding gameboys and circuitbending, i have 10+ years of experience in playing n64 . if i sound blocky its cause im still getting used to this fluxing board language :sweat: :sweat: ;) (im just sayin this cause i know i sound like im like 6 (ima 16), and i know theres a rule against little kids) .so after a few weeks of reading threads, i decided to make a n64p. I expect this to be blocky, and have some quality. (also i drew up some schematics [see below])

- i do not plan to trim the mobo at all
- ima use a ps0ne screen
- ima use 2 li po batters with a pcb that can alternate via toggle to a 8v wall plugin
- i dont plan to relocate the cart slot
- ima use a classic nintendo controller (i pick a n64 toggle over gcn any day)
- ima use all pushbutons as... well buttons (whatever i can dig up in my basement or radioshack)
- i plan to make a muliplayer attachment via vga
- i plan to use a toggle to switch the sound between speakers (on the ps0ne screen) and a phono 1/4 jack
- i think ima use a toggle switch to put the video composite between the ps0ne screen and a single rca out (this is so i can run it to a tv [sound can be done from the 1/4 to a 1/8 then to a 1/8 to rca)]
- ima use a toggle to switch the first player controller between mounted and vga attachement
-and ima use a fan
- and ima try to find a see through case (who doesnt like seethrough? i personally think its easier to spot out flaws while working on it, and plus when its done then you can see all the guts and stuff!)
- ima try to mount the controller mobo in the case so that the memory card slot is accessible...(i fear this challenge)

QUESTIONS! :gonk: :gonk: :gonk:
-when wiring push button switches to the mobo of the controller, i see all these soder points on the board for each button, but were do i put the other end of the button?? (see battery/controller mobo scematic for me trying to explain myself) (ground is my best guess)
- were is a good place to put the power and ground for the fan?
- how many lipos is good in a pack (i plan to use 2 for costlyness, but should i spring a couple extra buckaroos to go for 3 or 4?)
- were do i connect a smart charger to lipos to charge dem?
- were is a good place to get blunt square plastic project boxes? (ive seen a few on radioshack, anywere else?)

stuff ima use
- is this a good breakout board for a vga? is there something better? ... ead15.html
- i plan to use pretty much all the lipo stuff posted on the benheck thing thats on the megasticky

heres the mobo scematic i drew up (most of its coppied from that megasticky thing, but whateva) and scanned in... blue is ground for some reason, gray is any white cables, and the video composite is a strange blend of purple and yellow...

heres the battery/controller mobo scematic i drew up... and well scanned in... same color coding goes for this one like the mobo schematic...

please please PLEASE reply with any comments you may have about the flaws of my plans!!!!! i want to have everything sorted out before i buy stuff for this big financial investment!!!
Switches all go to ground
You don't need a fan at all
2 LiPos is plenty
Here's how to wire chargers: Buy them from batteryspace, don't forget your charging circuitry has your cases

You don't need VGA, since the PSOne screen takes composite as-is.
if your using li-po's make sure to connect them to a pcb. If you don't and you overcharge them, they will explode. Exploding Li-pos in a portable = no hands. :D

- mymixed
That isn't actually what happens. Just saying. They will catch on fire though.
Thecawesomeone said:
I'm confused, why are the power, data and ground for player 1 all connected to one pin on the switch?
its a multi pin toggle switch, im not sure if they still make them (im sure they do, im staring at the one i used for my overclocked gbc), but in an alternate case ill just use 3 toggle switches.

mymixed said:
if your using li-po's make sure to connect them to a pcb. If you don't and you overcharge them, they will explode. Exploding Li-pos in a portable = no hands. :D

- mymixed
hahaha yes i realized this, i put a what i thought to be a pcb in the scematics, but im not sure if thats how you correctly wire it for only 2 lipos as snipeye said, i might have to put the 2 lipos on one side of the pcb and just sodder a wire to were i had the other one.

also thank you beta for useful linkness

ALSO, one final quesstion i forgot to include yesterday, the big circled and question marked thing on the main mobo scematic, im fairly sure this is a power regulator, were might i aquire this and what size cap and resistors do i need?

also, i dont plan to start construction until after christmas or sometime in january as i am hoping santa will bring me conker and a ps0ne screen, otherwise i was gonna get a ps0ne screen from phantomattheopera person
You really only have to switch the data line on the controller port.

The thing you are thinking of is a voltage regulator. It is used to provide 3.3V to the N64. Most people use a PTH08080 or PTH08000 from Texas Instruments. You can get them as free samples from their website.
oh nice! yeah i got the surface mount ones (pth08080Was and pth08000was i believe[i could only get one 08080 and one 8000]) , and when i was looking at the specs the only real difference was between the 08080s and the 08000s (or i hope so...) ... just offhand anybody know the dimensions of an untrimmed n64 mobo? id check mine but i dont wana open up my gold beauty :cry4:
pardon the double, but whatever.

just wondering if this case should fit a fairly untrimmed mobo, and should have fairly good reach to the shoulder buttons

also would usb b with breakout boards (im gonna need like 8), to make ports for controllers connector breakout board

, also, anybody know a good place on the mobo to get power for a small fan? i snagged a real small one from my old video card that i think ima use
Most fans take 12v meaning you can take it from anywhere you have a power source(exept maybe 3.3v line)not sure if it will have wnough power then i never tryed it.
I would use a 5v mini fan if you use your 7.4v batteries. If your video card fan is 5v thats fine. Also, Why do you want to use breakout boards? I can understand for the VGA port but why for a USB? It would be really simple to solder to. You can still do it but why the extra money? And less space?

- mymixed
so i could pretty much just throw the fan in the middle of the hot going to the ps0ne screen? or would that blow the fan out?

the breakout boards are pretty much so i can get a smooth panel mount, im more familiar with circuit bending which is pretty much all panel mount toggles and push buttons, so to be honest i have no clue how i would mount the connector without the breakout board (im probly just gonna use all radioshack pushbuttons for the mounted controller too)

just a couple more questions...

if i wanted to make a slot for the memory card,,, what would be the best way to do this? i figured i could always just load it from a controller from the usb b adaptor, but in other cases would the best thing to do be just mount the controller motherboard sideways in the case and cut a hole case and hot glue in the bottom half of the controller case (yeah itd look like a bunghole, but whatever) into the case to make almost a memory card slot?

also i want to have a charge and play option... but i dont wana do the actual charge and play, would haveing 2 female power adaptors (one for a 8VDC in and one for the lipo smartcharger) connected to a 6pin 2way toggle switch work for changing the source of power? or would 8V rather than 7.4V not work with the regulator... (method kinda described in picture below)

ALSO. FINAL QUESTION. is this the right diagram for having 2 lipos connected in a series (2 lipos of 3.7V = 7.4V) to a pcb and then out to the power? (also i inclueded that crappy 'charge and play idea i had)(*note wires are not indicating anything, they are just to differenciate) (and saying that the power goes to the n64 is not like actually... its really going to the power regulator i just ran out of room to draw)

so i could pretty much just throw the fan in the middle of the hot going to the ps0ne screen? or would that blow the fan out?

the breakout boards are pretty much so i can get a smooth panel mount, im more familiar with circuit bending which is pretty much all panel mount toggles and push buttons, so to be honest i have no clue how i would mount the connector without the breakout board (im probly just gonna use all radioshack pushbuttons for the mounted controller too)

just a couple more questions...

if i wanted to make a slot for the memory card,,, what would be the best way to do this? i figured i could always just load it from a controller from the usb b adaptor, but in other cases would the best thing to do be just mount the controller motherboard sideways in the case and cut a hole case and hot glue in the bottom half of the controller case (yeah itd look like a bunghole, but whatever) into the case to make almost a memory card slot?

also i want to have a charge and play option... but i dont wana do the actual charge and play, would haveing 2 female power adaptors (one for a 8VDC in and one for the lipo smartcharger) connected to a 6pin 2way toggle switch work for changing the source of power? or would 8V rather than 7.4V not work with the regulator... (method kinda described in picture below)

ALSO. FINAL QUESTION. is this the right diagram for having 2 lipos connected in a series (2 lipos of 3.7V = 7.4V) to a pcb and then out to the power? (also i inclueded that crappy 'charge and play idea i had)(*note wires are not indicating anything, they are just to differenciate) (and saying that the power goes to the n64 is not like actually... its really going to the power regulator i just ran out of room to draw)

thanks toast! so fan hot goes to the 5v pin and the ground goes to well... ground.

hmmm, not sure if im quite ready to relocate the memory card slot, i plan to get a fairly large case for this so hopefully if i trim the controller mobo a bit i can then mount it vertically so that the controller pack may stick out one of the sides

also... (sorry that im being so specific with the question once again, i just have worries about it, cause i dont wana burn anything up) the 8000 or the 8080 regulator should bring the 8v from the wall down to 3.3v correct?

ALSO i found these ultra arcade style buttons to use on sparkfun, they come in all these colors which would look freakin cool! there like a inch wide though, im not worried about fitting them; but would that be like a really hard to reach do you think if i use like blue ones for the d pad and yellow ones for the c? (well and red and green for a and b and black and white for r/l/z/start)