Random Error on startup?

I was just about ready to post a worklog, but keep running into the same error a few seconds after startup.

It reads: "An error has occurred. Turn the power OFF and check the NINTENDO GAMECUBE Instruction Booklet for further instruction."

Now here's some info, I have a WASP Fusion installed via Megadrive v5.
All I've done so far is relocated video to a small LCD monitor.
Motherboard hasn't been cut.
There is no SD card into WASP.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I've already killed a GC after starting this project.

I'm ashamed it took me so long to notice something so obvious, but the blue LED does not light once the gamecube is on. Could this be a bad connection between the Megadrive and the mobo?
I thought so, but had to be sure before going out and buying an SD card.

For the time being, consider this solved.

I'm ashamed it took me so long to notice something so obvious, but the blue LED does not light once the gamecube is on. Could this be a bad connection between the Megadrive and the mobo?
It needs to be formatted FAT32, even if it's over 32 gigabytes (Windows will try to make it exFAT). Other than that it can have anything on it or nothing at all.
Tried both FAT32 and WBFS with nothing on them. I also have a Megadrive v6 which I can solder up for troubleshooting, but would prefer not to if possible.

It's a rev C board if that helps. I have it wired up exactly as shown here.
http://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-c7bpm05/p ... 80.jpg?c=2

Although, I don't recall if I tested with the lid switch bridged like that or not. Currently, it is not bridged.
RageCreation said:
Tried both FAT32 and WBFS with nothing on them. I also have a Megadrive v6 which I can solder up for troubleshooting, but would prefer not to if possible.

It's a rev C board if that helps. I have it wired up exactly as shown here.
http://cdn3.bigcommerce.com/s-c7bpm05/p ... 80.jpg?c=2

Although, I don't recall if I tested with the lid switch bridged like that or not. Currently, it is not bridged.

I would bridge the lid switch, that configuration you just showed in the pic should work just perfectly if you have gotten a wasp from badassconcoles.(those have swiss pre-loaded)

If the lid switch is not bridged, I believe the console thinks that the disc tray is open.
RageCreation said:
Pin 29's sole purpose it ground, correct? Meaning I can wire up the Megadrive's P29 to any ground on the motherboard?
Yes, any ground on the motherboard. Pin29 does have other purposes but as long as you're using Swiss on your Wiikey it should stay grounded.
Yes. Do you have a specific ground location you can recommend? I saw mega wire ground to a heat sink screw in one of his videos, so that's where I tried.
Broke the Megadrive v5 yesterday... don't ask.
Tried wiring up the v6... failed. (Any suggestions on how to solder to those Dang tiny filters would be much appreciated.)

I guess my best bet it wiring up the FCC cable directly to the motherboard.
Wiring the FFC cable is hard, quite a lot harder than wiring to those filters. If you want to solder to the filters just lay down a lot of flux on them and don't put a lot of solder on the soldering iron. Use the thinnest iron tip you have.