Portable Gamecube! My first mod


Well-Known Member






No batteries, I couldn't afford good ones and the nimh ones I got were bulky and the gc kept restarting when I used them. I might make a new disc drive cover eventually, that ones pretty bad. No speakers either, but Its got a headphone jack. The case bulges a bit at the bottom, because the mobo and wires pushes it out a lot. For the triggers, I used 5 momentary switches. One for z, two for each trigger. The back ones replace the analog function, and the closer switches are for the "click" of the trigger.

Overall, It could have been waaayyyy better, but I learned a lot making it, and it was fun. Its also quite fun to play!

EDIT: Installed a xenogc chip (thanks zenloc), made a new DD cover, fixed the bottom panel bulge, and fixed some heating issues.
Thanks! The issue with the DD cover is that it was made out of a tupperware case, so it flexes a little and some of the paint came off. The velcro was attached to the paint that chipped off, so theres some velcro flapping around on the cover.
Turned out pretty decent man! I've been following your adventure since you made your work log and I have to say it turned out much nicer since you re-did all the buttons and put a bit of time into it. Still not the prettiest thing, but what matters is you followed all the way through and it works. What matters most is that you're happy with it. The first one is a major learning experience, which I can attest to. If you decide to make another I'm sure it will improve by leaps and bounds. Good job! :D
I quite like it, myself. People have gotten too damned picky these days. I've been around this hobby since 2005, and back then, if this thing had been posted, people would've showered you with praise. Tons of it. I guess we've come a long way. I'm still of a mind that if it works, it's a good portable. Yours is much better than just "functional." Looks pretty nice in my opinion, actually.
Perhaps you could use a CD/RW Disc case?


Cut out the entire bottom portion sans the locking ring, and you can avoid the velcro situation.

Actually, if you cut channels into the tupperware, and then added locking lugs onto the portable, you could have the best of both worlds...
unicycler17 said:
megasticky? along with all the other gcp's that aren't in it?

That's no way to ask nicely. Our resident sticky manager has been really busy with his real life, so here in a few days I'll try to update all the stickies, kay?

It would be nice to update the master list of stickies, sometimes I refer back to a portable or I know that it had some nice info in it.
ShockSlayer said:
unicycler17 said:
megasticky? along with all the other gcp's that aren't in it?

That's no way to ask nicely. Our resident sticky manager has been really busy with his real life, so here in a few days I'll try to update all the stickies, kay?


Sorry and thanks!