Nukes misc Garage Sale!(GC Stuff!)


Well-Known Member
Needs Monies. Buy.
Prices do not include shipping.

1. Official N64 Controller: 12$
2. Half Finished GCp Case(SL-68):15$
3. Cut Gamecube heatsink for Tchay fan(Not trimmed): 5$
4. 5x Gamecube Heatsink:2$
5. 5x Gamecube Controller Ports: 2$
6. 5x Gamecube Regulator: 3$
7. Lithium-Ion Batterys(From a laptop; untested): 15$
8. 3x Rev C. Gamecube: 12$
9: 2x Wiimote Mobo: 7$
Shipping will be around 6-10$ depending on what you get. Prolly a bit more internationally.
Want it joey? Most likely it'll just sit on my bench for a year or two until I use it. :p
Whoever Wants it PM me.
@Casperro- I'll have to go to the Post office and check. Its prolly not cheap. :p