Nobody has posted this yet, so I'm going to go on and do so.


Frequent Poster
First, there was a casual meet-up between Tchay and Qrio that entailed nothing more than a professional discussion about Qrio's project which was competing in the State Science Fair, the event which brought him all the way down from the middle of nowhere to participate in the bustling city life of Los Angeles, California.


Then, after a long while of trying to persuade parents to let the fledgling 15 year old Qrio go out into the world by himself he was victorious, a feat that then led to a delightful hour and a half long drive, lengthened due to a mistake that was made by Tchay -- of course, one that Qrio corrected.

After what seemed like an eternity of driving, discussing life, portabilizing, and whatever else came to their minds, Tchay and Qrio arrived at their destination. Awaiting them were two famous ModRetro legends. One thing led to another... and there was much, steamy might I add, manlove, and pizza of a similar adjective, to be had between Tchay, Qrio, Palmer, and Mario at a remotely located California Pizza Kitchen that Tchay's $3, hot-glued to the windshield, GPS couldn't seem to find.


Post the excitement of ordering 3 pizzas, becoming fatter, and getting dessert to top the fat off, there was a much more casual 30 minute drive back to the hotel, the correct way :stare:. Despite the many short, but annoying, detours that Qrio's inability to navigate city streets and read text on a shattered iPhone screen that he so foolishly battled the ground with the day before brought upon him, Tchay got Qrio back home to his mommy at a bright and early 10::3:0 PM, ending the excitement for the night.
Re: Nobody has posted this yet, so I'm going to go on and do

Tchay brought an Envision, I brought my secret project , and Palmer was going to bring a Rift, but he forgot it. We didn't work, more just showed off and talked. We only had dinner.
Re: Nobody has posted this yet, so I'm going to go on and do

Palmer said he would bring the Rift tomorrow