NintenGO 64

Whats up gang. Got a new motherboard. I'm going to do this one right. I want to finish this portable before Thanks Giving. 'Nuff said.

Edit: It happened again. Rewired Cart slot. Worked. Wired up batteries. Worked. Wired up A/V to screen. Worked. Removed EXT. slot. Worked. Trimmed Motherboard. Worked. Hooked up controller, didn't work. Removed controller, still doesn't work. What do?
The N64 doesn't work or the controller doesn't work. My N64 wouldnt turn on because of a tiny piece of solder conecting the 3.3 to ground. Got the solder off and it worked.

- mymixed
When I hooked up the controller, the N64 stopped booting the games. Because I don't have an LED (trimmed board) I don't know if it turned on or not. But before I put the controller in, everything worked. Board trimmed and everything. I unsoldered the controller, and I still got nothing.

Hey, you guys know the spots where you solder the +5v and the Data line? Well, you know those caps that are next to them? (I don't know if they are called caps, but they are square and small) Well, the small circular gold spot where I connect the controller wires got bridged to those caps that are right above them. I didn't think much about it at the time, since I thought thats what they are connected to anyway, but now I must ask, would the be the problem?
So long as it only connects to the side facing the solder pad. If you've got the solder covering the whole thing or connecting to another cap, it's most likely shorting it. Also make sure you've got it all wired the right way around.

(βeta and SS's)

- mymixed
NECRO-BUMP. :twisted:

Its been a while since I updated. flax got real for me.

>Come home
>Open Lab door
>Everything was trashed

My Dad went and rampaged my ENTIRE lab. So I moved out.
I move in my apartment on the 15th of June, and will DEFINITELY finish this.

Gonna need some help though.