new Wiikey Fusion 25$ and other GC stuff


I would like a new WKF with swiss autoboot, a Normally Closed Switch, and a MEGAdrive WKF/WODE adapter (intl shipping).

My WKF has arrived today! :D

Thank you very much x3
@ 61_revisited 3x WKF, 4x switch, MEGAdrive shipped

@ qerkdtx WKF shipped

@ chris26 WKF, switch, MEGAdrive, IDE-EXI shipped

@ Loctronics 4x WKF shipped
I really want to get a wii key fusion from you. Since i live in the usa can i write you a money Order for $31? Thank a bunch if you can
Rohan Loomis said:
Can i send you cash in the mail?

i would not suggest it...but if thats really your only choice, i guess so...
...and you better not send all ones or any loose change either