help with GCp casing.

So me and my dad are going to dismantle an old Imac with a fried motherboard, and i plan on using the shell casing for a GCp. how would i be able to spread out the internals of the gamecube inside the imac without having to trim the motherboard or remove a part altogether? P.S: the Imac is a 13 inch wide model with a half-inch tall bottom casing. Thanks.
I don't know what the internals of an iMac look like but you shouldn't have to trim anything. The GC motherboard is obviously pretty small in comparison to the computer. But you'll definitely have to remove most of the ports on the motherboard like the DVD port, GameBoy Player port, etc. The video ports might be able to stay.
iMac or MacBook Pro? I'm picturing one of the old iMacs with the colored shell and the CRT embedded and having a reeeeeally hard time imagining that being very portable!!

Since you said .5" bottom, I'll assume Pro lol. The reason I chimed in was just to ask if anyone figured out how to use a laptop LCD driver board/screen for the display? I can't recall reading that anywhere, but admittedly I haven't read every thread for every build.
most laptop hardware, including the LCD, is made by samsung these days. samsung will have a datasheet for the LCD, and this is what you will send to a company on ebay like njytouch who will then send you a board to control it with.
Ok Im deciding to use a portable dvd player instead of an imac (actally it was an ibook) sorry if you thought i wanted to use a desktop as a portable. i mixed up imac with iBOOK.