Downing's OUYA Portable Completed!


Well-Known Member
So just shy of a month in the making, I'd like to present to you my first portable in over two years! Thanks a bunch to RDC and Hailrazer for their contributions to this project as well!

No fancy name or anything like that, Just Downing's OUYA Portable!


Custom 3D Printed/CNC Cut Casing
Custom PCBs for Controller Buttons and Screen Controls
2 - 3.7v, 5000mAh Batteries (4-5 hours of play time)
1 - 7" 780p HDMI Display
2 - Stereo 25mm Speakers
2 - PS3 Analog control sticks with custom PCB boards
Standard 8-Gig OUYA Game Console with USB Port for Expanded Memory or Side Loading
Custom Controller Break Out Board for Analog to Digital Trigger Presses.






For a full build log and more info on how this was made, check out the build log! ... 3&start=70
i love this as it is so clean but i do have to say that why the ouya?
i thought the best aspect of the ouya was the local multiplayer focus so a portable seems a little pointless. although i think its most likely that you just made it for the sake of it.
so once more, another slick portable.
It's main focus is more about the independent developer having a chance and platform to release what they have created. That's what I like about it. But I also wanted to make it portable for the same reason anyone makes any other system portable, for the fun of it.

I had the parts, had the case, had the OUYA, this didn't cost me anything additional in parts, just a bit of time here an there. Also, the only thing I had to play it on was my main TV, this fixed that problem.

But yeah, that's pretty much it. hehe! I'm glad you like it! :p
spazmoid said:
i love this as it is so clean but i do have to say that why the ouya?
i thought the best aspect of the ouya was the local multiplayer focus so a portable seems a little pointless. although i think its most likely that you just made it for the sake of it.
so once more, another slick portable.

It runs android and I'd assume you could load emulators and games of your choice onto it. This would be wonderful to play N64 or PS1 games on. Nice job, Downing. I really like the paint colors and the LED logo.