360 slim?

nobble said:
I swear I saw one!

I am hoping that is an engineering sample, and not the final layout. With that kind of size, a longer, thinner board (like the Wii) would be SO much better for making portables.
If it's real (would not surprise me AT ALL), I'll be very glad.

Hopefully they also shot the power consumption in the foot.
heres the real question: will it RRoD?
also, i would love to make a portable 360 (for fallout 3 and oblivion). depending on the release date i may be able to buy and make something out of one
Yeah, the "Vahalla". Looks intresting, I'm kind of wondering if it will RRoD as well. Ah well I'll be one of the firsts to pick this one up if its real, I'll definitely try my hands at a 360 portable :awesomedj:
ugh. Sqaure mobos only work if they are tiny. Like Palmer said, they could go sony on our asses and make it more rectangular. And Dang that chip gets hot. If the games werent so good I would hate the xbox 360.
http://www.joystiq.com/2010/03/18/ben-h ... t-support/

I think the analysis is a good bit off, to be honest. If he sincerely believes those are "Dev Headers", why in the WORLD would this be a finished board?

Everything I see there just screams "prototype", I would be willing to bet some good money that the final board is a lot, lot different, layout wise at the very least.
Internal HDD? Logical. But I think it'll have wi-fi.

Also, I read up on Project Natal and it sounds like a stupid gimmick.
It's been a few days. is that long enough to be considered a bump? if so, I apologize.
Oh, and because links were posted and not pics, I am to post the pics. HA!

Check out that monster fan and heatsink. what lies beneath it, you ask?

A combined CPU/GPU chip. should get quite hot.

I am optimistic. This means that portables, as in big handhelds, can be made, rather then laptops. :twisted:
Don't worry about bumping. It's gotta be about three or more weeks old before anyone cares, I think.

Thanks for posting the pics. I am a visual learner.
Well its definitely a bump, but there's nothing wrong with that. I think what you may have been worried about is something called necroposting where you bring a topic back from the dead. Either way, as long as you have something to bring to the topic, we don't care if the thread is a year old.
I would love to see the slim have built in wifi. The new Xbox 360 Slim will have such control systems Playstation Move or Wiimote.The new Xbox 360 Slim will have a new fabrication processor which has artificial TSMC chip integrates the processor, graphics card, and memory in one package.