New 100℅ recycled material low cost cnc mill, need help

I'm building a cnc machine from multiple recycled, no cost materials and am a little perplexed at the multitude of breakout boards and motion controllers. Now, I've worked out my motors and drivers bit need some input into what break out board or motion controllers people are using successfully and the toolpaths they are using. I do have the option of windows or Linux, and arduino isn't out of the question, but my focus is on accuracy, so I hear motion controllers are better for this. Any help or just hearing what your using is appreciated and in trade I have some secrets on recycling certain materials to replace otherwise expensive building materials. If you simply have questions I'm happy to share as well. Unipolar driver question, bipolar driver question servo question. But not USB controller or breakout board questions pls. Or build suggestions and spindle driver questions are OK.