Holy flux I hate Microsoft right now.

Twilight Wolf

Frequent Poster
Son of a Sega.

Microsoft apparently decided my authentic Windows 7 key isn't authentic any more and now wants me to pay $150 to get a new one. I'm pretty sure that's extortion of some kind.

I've yet to contact Microsoft's customer support about this, but I have a suspicion it won't do me much good. If worst comes to worst, I still have a copy of Windows XP 64-bit I can install, but it still isn't ideal for my computer, and I don't think it would help me out much if a game I want to play requires Vista or higher.

Advice, anyone?

Well according to most pirates it would be legal for you to download a crack if there's one out yet. (obviously not really legal but still, you do own it)
You need to delete some files containing "wat" and the authentication thing should leave.
Not really sure what the files are, look into it though.
You may have accidentally bought a counterfeit copy.

Microsoft released an update recently that checked keys etc. It was all over the gadget blogs and everything. I've avoided it ::3:
Call microsoft. DOn't do that stupid pirate flax. Explain it to them and they give you a new key.

Works all the time. Even if you never had a legit key.
I hate talking on the phone. ._.

I'd email them if I could, but there's no email address ANYWHERE. I go to the support page with the promise that I can contact them and all I get is links that just lead me in circles around their website, typically landing me at an FAQ before going back to where I started.
Bibin said:
Call microsoft. DOn't do that stupid pirate flax. Explain it to them and they give you a new key.

Works all the time. Even if you never had a legit key.

pirate? the batch i have just deletes and ends all the processes and files associated with WGA.
your copy of windows isn't really activated but it gets rid of the dumb popups.
Yeah, T_W bought his "legit" key on ebay for quite the savings over a retail copy.

Yeah, he bought what is probably the same key a dozen other people did, or quite possibly one from a keygen.
Don't buy this stuff from ebay, remember that from now on.

(What's funny is that my cracked windows 7 ultimate never had any issues along those lines at all :D)
Where else was I supposed to buy it? I can't afford to buy it from Microsoft, and my only other options are either Linux (meaning little to no gaming on a gaming computer) or Windows XP 64-bit (incompatible with any game requiring Vista or higher, or DX10 or higher, which would be fine if I didn't have a DX11 graphics card). If I can't get this straightened out before 7 expires, I'm stuck with one of those two.

You can't afford to buy it from Microsoft, so YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO OWN IT.
It's not a necessity.
It's not some privilege.
It's a product of a company.

XP 64-bit is awful, by the way.

Oh, and big heads up, to everyone, there's nothing wrong with Vista.
Seriously. There is nothing *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing wrong with it, at all.
And guess what, with Win7 out, it's much cheaper now.
Um, yes, last time I checked, an OS is a necessity in order for me to use my computer.

I installed 7 because it was the most recent version of Windows available and wasn't any more expensive than Vista. Both are still ass-expensive compared to the $20 I paid for a key that gave me full use of Windows and my computer until Microflax decided to take it away.

You know, you are not making matters any better. I'm pissed as it is, I don't need someone riding my ass about how I shouldn't be allowed use of something because I'm too poor to afford it even though I had full use of it until yesterday.

Since you seem to know everything, why don't you tell me what I should do next, then, Mr. Genius?
An OS is a necessity to use a computer, Windows 7 is not.

Windows 7 and Windows Vista are indeed very expensive compared to the $20 you paid for some key some asshole sold 20 copies of, that he probably stole off the back of a box he opened in a BestBuy restroom.

How about you go purchase a legitimate, real copy of Windows 7.
Don't have the money?
Go buy a legitimate, real copy of Windows Vista.
Don't have the money?
Go buy a legitimate, real copy of Windows XP, and hold out until you save to money to purchase a legitimate, real copy of Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Don't have the money?
Install Linux OR just let it sit and live with it, until you can afford to purchase a legitimate, real copy of your OS of choice.

You don't have some special right that says you should be able to use your computer.
If you can't afford something, well, that sucks. It really does.
I'm not calling you a pussy, telling you to man up, or shut the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up.
I'm saying, dude, your situation sucks, I wish there was more we could do.
I am broke as Heck, have no way to make money, and I have no way to borrow money or pay it back. I guess you can fill in the blanks yourself.

I guess that's what I get for doing what I thought was the right thing and not pirating Windows.

Son of a Sega.
By the way, I don't recall when you built this rig, but there's still a small chance you're covered under PayPal's buyer protection.