YouTube's new layout.

Everyone always complains when sites change. Just wait, once you're used to it, you'll love it.
I'm used to it. I do not, in any way, love it. i still dislike it, but I don't hate it.

I'm still pissed about the rating system being gone. *Can'tSayThisOnTV* Google for that.
Right now, I go on youtube, and I can rate with stars, description is still on the right, and everything is as it's been for years now.

You guys all suck and youtube loves me. :awesome:

ShockSlayer said:
Right now, I go on youtube, and I can rate with stars, description is still on the right, and everything is as it's been for years now.

You guys all suck and youtube loves me. :awesome:


It luvs me to. Guess we are special. :pirate: :ninj:
heh, I use OpenDNS too. Maybe it does just wuv you guys more than me. :cry4:
I wouldn't really mind it if they didn't try to look like facebook, seriously, what I really want is the rating system back. A thumbs up or thumbs down is not accurate, plus I can't even see if people like it or not before I rate it. Pffff
New YouTube sucks. Where the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* is the rating system? Description under the video is AWKWARD! And where did the "other videos from the author" thingy go? Besides, all the videos down the side with no divider is just plain UGLY!