YouTube's new layout.

No, it's really different. *Can'tSayThisOnTV* this flax. Google is a dick.
Let's just say this, it looks like facebook now.


They replaced the 5 star rating system with a thumbs up or thumbs down. It's just messed up.

Seriously youtube, what the fudge.
Ooooh, I see now. Yeah, looks like they're trying to be facebook or adopt a style LIKE facebook because it's familiar to a lot of people. Oh well.
On all the videos I go to you can still give 5 star ratings. the thumbs up and down are just on the comments like it has always been.

Everything looks exactly the same to me.

I'm confused. :?
I guess it's just like those Facebook upgrades. It happens at different times for different people.

But let me tell you this: It sucks.
pLover said:
I guess it's just like those Facebook upgrades. It happens at different times for different people.

But let me tell you this: It sucks.

It's not THAT bad - I mean, did you really put that much effort into giving something a 1-5 rating? And did you reeeeeeeeally pay THAT much attention to the description (and can't look under the video instead of the side of it)?
pLover said:

No wonder we've never seen any indication of you having an outside life :dah:

Nah, just playing, but like the Facebook updates, I think people will get over this very soon. I personally don't care one way or another.
The stars show me whether a 10 minute video is worth my time or not, that's a good enough reason to have it back. Plus it's just stupid how they're emulating facebook, youtube should be it's own independent website.
I see it and I dislike it. Really now did people not understand the whole five star system, I swear buisnessmen and women are getting more idiotic by the second.
I just want a delete button in my subscription box. I'm subscribed to machinima which means 90% of the videos I get I don't want to watch. I just want them out. And guess what, some of the videos you have to be 18 or older to watch, and I don't use a fake age in youtube. Meaning that those videos are stuck in my subscription box taking up room for like a week.
That's only an experiment? It's like that for me right now, I thought it was an update.