Youtube views frozen


Frequent Poster
This has been an ongoing problem for the past 3 years it looks like.

But I've had some new videos uploaded on my Tchay777 account and the views on the Envision video froze at 307. Views on the finished thread are bigger than that!?! :(

Shockslayer? When they fix it, will my views be lost or do you think they are still being counted somewhere?

I don't get how this problem can keep happening over 3 years, with such a large corporation. Then again....the PSN was hacked...
They just start validating at that point to make sure you aren't spamming your page for views.

So... yeah, views get frozen at 300 ish for a few days, but they keep counting them.
ttsgeb said:
They just start validating at that point to make sure you aren't spamming your page for views.

So... yeah, views get frozen at 300 ish for a few days, but they keep counting them.

Okay cool.
I've got the opposite problem. My channel views went from 15,000 down to 500. Dunno what's up with that.
The youtube counter only counts per view up to ~300 views, then it starts refreshing periodically. Happens to everyone.