WTT N64 Games and Snes games also FS SNES Game Updated!


Active Member
Hello everyone.
I have one SNES game for trade It is Super Mario World. It works lable is okay. Also it needs a good cleaning. I would be willing to trade for one game on the lists below. Thank you very much.

I am also looking for a charger for a Compaq Armada 7370dmt a good battery would be good too. Free or reasonable.

I am looking for some of these N64 games around $5 or less depending on the game.
Mario Kart 64
Pokemon Stadium 2
Perfect Dark
Crusin' USA
Jet Force Gemini
Monster Truck Madness 64
Road Rash 64
WCW vs NWO World Tour
Yoshi Story

Super Nintendo games I am looking for:
Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3
Krusty's Super Fun House
NBA Jam T.E.
Mario Paint w/mouse
Star Fox
Mega Man X3
Alien 3
Batman Returns
Batman Forever
Family Feud
Home Improvement

Also up for sale or trade.

Final Fantasy 12 for Playstation 2 "would trade this for Donkey Kong Country 2 for SNES."

I have a Gigabyte GV-NX66256D HD Video card for desktop pc. It has vga and DVI out. The only thing that seems to be wrong with it is the fan is really loud. Otherwise it works great. Here is a link to pictures.

Re: WTB or WTT: Retro Duo and N64 Games

I have 1080, Star Fox 64, and Perfect Dark, but I'm not going to give them up for $5 each. I doubt anyone would, actually.
Re: WTB or WTT: Retro Duo and N64 Games

Hifeno said:
Hello everyone.
Up for Sale or Trade for one or both of the above
Dreamcast with 14 games.
Sonic Adventure Limited Edition being one of them.
2 controllers 1 VMU 1 Regular Memory Unit works and plays great. It just sits in my closet doing nothing. (I would trade this for 10 or all of the n64 games listed.)

I'd gladly trade Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Stadium 2, Perfect Dark, OR Star Fox 64 for all of that. :dah:
Re: WTB or WTT: Retro Duo and N64 Games

I was hopping to get at least 10 or more n64 games for that stuff. Do you have any super Nintendo games. Such as Donkey Kong Country 2,3
Re: WTB or WTT: Retro Duo and N64 Games

you want perfect dark? Check out amazon! I got one for $3 shipped :)
Re: WTB or WTT N64 Games

AfroLH said:
samjc3 said:
AfroLH said:
samjc3 said:
how much cash for the dreamcast? this is a dibs, by the way. :awesome:
I want the games!!!
lets negotiate! hey, hifeno, what are the games?

If Jet Set Radio I want.
i are sorry. if its in there, i get it. otherwise, everything is negotiable. aww. Heck. i may just buy a copy off ebay. :awesome:

oh, and hifeno, i may want the screen too. :wink:
Re: WTB or WTT N64 Games

Dreamcast LOT SOLD

As for Dreamcast Lot here is what is with it:
2 Controllers
2 Memory Cards "1 has little screen for mini games"
Power cord
AV Cable
14 games are also included as follows:
Sonic Adventure Limited Edition "Rare"
Dynamite Cop!
Suzuki Alstare Extream Racing
Viglante 8 2 offense
NFL Blitz 2000
Airforce Delta
SNK vs Capcom
Ready to Rumble Boxing
Blue Stinger
Star Wars Episode 1 Jedi Power Battles
The King of Fighters
NBA Showtime NBA on NBC
Test Drive 6
Also 3 other discs are included pm me to find out what they are.
Pictures added to main post.
Re: WTT N64 Games and Snes games also FS SNES Games.

Bump added two super nintendo games for trade or sale.