WTT: Finish a controller mod for me + selling a Dell Mini 12


Frequent Poster
I was modding a Playstation 1 Dual-Analog controller so that it would have a Dualshock's innards, but hit a snag with the analog sticks. I replace the ones from the Dual-Analog controller with Dual-Shock ones but now the pinout is all screwed up and the wiring from the daughter-board to the mainboard needs to be redone.
Had to re-use the original dual-analog PCB because a dualshock's wouldn't fit.
Also the little clear plastic piece that went over the LED vanished, so that needs to be filled in with hot glue or something. I think the LED needs to be adjusted slightly too.

Shouldn't be a challenge for most of you guys.

For this I will trade you a bunch of various controllers and controller parts, this includes (IF I CAN FIND THEM) the Dual-Analog's funky looking indented sticks. http://www.the-nextlevel.com/features/h ... og-pad.jpg

Also selling a Dell Mini 12, pictures here: Asking $150
https://picasaweb.google.com/1179574938 ... DellMini12