WTS/WTT: ALMOST finished AG-85 PS1p- Tiny!


Frequent Poster
I bought the parts for this portable a little while back from tmh, at a time when the only work done was some mobo trimming and a disc drive and memcard relocation. There was no controller, no screen, and I bought new batteries to replace the flaxty NiMhs that were in the bundle.

Since then I've installed the controller boards, installed a 3.5" screen, installed the disc drive and wired up and put in the batteries, which are 2800 mAh Li-Ions. I bought an audio amp and wired it to psone speakers, and it's ready to be installed. the whole front panel is done, the back panel is done. The only obstacle to completion is the main controller board- something is not working, it is wired up to the button boards, but it doesn't work properly. It may be salvageable, or a new controller may need to be purchased.

All that's left to do is get the controls working, install the audio amp, and wire up the A/V and Power. That's a very small amount of work for some people, I just don't feel like dealing with this controller anymore or buying a new one as I have no money and need money soon.

If I'm not mistaken this will be the smallest PS1p ever- I could be wrong though. The AG-85 is pretty small.

What you get: The current progress on the portable, which includes all parts you need to finish it unless a new controller board is needed.
The charger for the batteries
The audio amp

What I've paid:
$70 to TMH
$30 for screen
$20 for batteries
$10 for audio amp
$10 for rubber tacts, power jack, other parts, perfboard, etc.
$5 for controller

So I've paid about $145. If I could get $150 plus shipping out of this, to get rid of it quick, I guess that would be alright.

If you have any nice 11.1v batteries then we could do a partial trade.


snowpenguin said:
Not inside the portable you won't.

Since when can you do that to a psone anyway?
You don't know me.
And I don't know if you even can.
just an idea.
I'll think of something.
have any crappy pc controllers you can throw in?
just one with a d pad and 2-6 buttons
Well, I have a standard logitech one, been used about once. $20 new, lawl.

I never really use it, what have you to offer up for it?
I dunno, never been inside it.
