WTB dreamcast.


Active Member
So I really want a dreamcast in my collection and I'd like to buy from someone non-ebay so I can actually make sure it works etc. I only really need a system+hookups+controller. If you have games thats fine but I'm looking for cheap. It must be in good condition and WORK without issues.
I cant get one new for 100 local as well. But I don't want to spend nearly that much.
Mmmkay, eStarland sells Dreamcasts. Videogamecentral.com sold Dreamcasts but their site is screwed up.
bacteria said:
My two DreamCast consoles cost me little - one was £2 one was £3; controllers £1 each. Car boot sales! :awesome:
Yeah We dont get that lucky here >.>. Infact I've NEVER seen a used one for sale besides the over-priced as flax microplay.
Hmmm, maybe getting no deals is a Canadian thing. What part of Canada are you in oniak?
XCVG said:
Hmmm, maybe getting no deals is a Canadian thing. What part of Canada are you in oniak?
Newfoundland. I do get good deals on some things(Few genesis for 5$, fatal fury,altered beast and sonic 2 for 12$ etc) but just not too often and I hardly see rarer things here.