WTB 30W soldering Iron

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Hey, im looking for a 30W soldering Iron thats good.

Anyone wanna link me to one, or sell me theirs?
Ive heard that the Weller Wp25 is AMAZING, anyone got a good link for it?

I can't look at that link now, at school, and they Block EVERYthing, im a hacker and I can't figure this stupid thing out, well I can, it's connected from a computer server, so i need to disable it, and no way thorought the computer, unless I have a different E-net connection.

Anyway, can't view it, what type iron is it, and at what price. (im not picky)
because they have a proxy block, and I can't DL anything, you should see this palmer, its hard to crack. Ive tried for the past 3 years (yes it was at elementry) theve blocked all the proxys, can't DL, can't connect through IP..... Or maybe I could, nope NVM.

also, people are watching me, and I signed that stupid computer paper saying "I will not try to get around our system, but if I could do it stealth like, maybe.

Anyway, im home.

Also, Harshboy, a 5$ soldering Iron that is gonna work for all my modding needs?
Which portables have you done Harsh? I know a gamecube and a few more, but have you done an SNES before? anyway, 5$ with free shipping, thanks.
Honestly, if pretty much the whole web is blocked why bother with the internet at all?
Because I can go here. And I go :gonk: without internet :)

Also, I have a really boring keyboarding class, and I can go on a few web sites.