Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being made?


In the past few months, I have started to learn the ways of livestreaming on twitch. So far, I have a few people that always tune in.(aka "regulars") And often times, I get a few new people following me every few times I go live.

Anyways, the point is that I just figured out how to get a webcam working in the stream and I thought that it might be cool to do a live build of the gc portable im working on. Would anyone be interested in seeing that done by chance? My twitch profile is here if you're interested... http://www.twitch.tv/dafletch01/profile

Reply to this thread if u want to see this or if u have any suggestions. :wink:
Re: Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being m

We've done something similar on TinyChat in the past, and I'm sure some people would still be interested, but I don't think the same level of interest as back then exists now.
Re: Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being m

Ah, TinyChat was the flax back in the day.
Re: Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being m

One of the more famous members should hold a livestream via Google Hangout like SS did that one time.
Re: Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being m

Yeah going off of what Prog said, I think that it would be cool if people did Hangouts/Livestreams of their modding. Some parts are boring, but hey, for the noobs it'd be cool to watch and educational. Plus, if a site like Twitch is used, there's a live chat so that way said streamer could answer questions.
Re: Would anyone watch a twitch stream of a portable being m

I always love to learn something new so why not, also
twitch would be a perfect place to stream on