Worst day ever.


He who mods in thy basement.
Upon arriving at school this morning, I was confronted with the devastating news that one of my classmates, and friend, Jeff Petee, had put a bullet in his head due to some asshole's constant harassment during football practice. Evidently, his older brother had found him when he went home for lunch to check on him on monday, as he was home sick. When he walked in the door, he found the gun safe broken into and his dad's .45 cal pistol missing. It was then that he found his 14-year-old brother dead in his room. Tragic.

I know this is totally just blogging, but RIP Jeff. You will be missed. :cry:

And to Dylan Jolliffe: you can burn in Heck for the way you treated him.

A couple years ago, a friend of mine died in a car crash. Also, another friend of mine accidentally shot himself a couple months ago, and that really sucked.
Ouch. Must have been some pretty harsh "harassment".

That sucks. I've never had a friend die but I've had two move away. One I never saw or talked to again.
XCVG said:
Ouch. Must have been some pretty harsh "harassment".

It wasn't the intensity, it was the volume. 2 months of getting tormented daily. 1/3 of the school is planning a mass attack on Dylan tomorrow. (we have almost 3000 people.) Almost all the sophomore football players and all the freshmen. He went home early today, crying. I don't feel bad, he earned it. Playstation.
The guy's an asshole, but punishing him for what he's done by attacking him is no better than what he did. I'm sure he already feels terrible about what happened, and this attack won't help any whatsoever. What if the guilt plus your attack drives him to commit suicide as well? This exact thing happened at my school a year ago.
Basement_Modder said:
XCVG said:
Ouch. Must have been some pretty harsh "harassment".

It wasn't the intensity, it was the volume. 2 months of getting tormented daily. 1/3 of the school is planning a mass attack on Dylan tomorrow. (we have almost 3000 people.) Almost all the sophomore football players and all the freshmen. He went home early today, crying. I don't feel bad, he earned it. Playstation.

Lol, he's going to feel pretty sore tomorrow!

Sad to hear on your friend, hope this Dylan kid regrets it real bad after tomorrow.

Dylan's my name... :gonk:
I'm really sorry about your friend. The same thing happened to a close friend of my family last year, though this wasn't due to bullying. He was 17 and he thought he got his girlfriend pregnant. he was found hung in his beroom. The girl, who was never pregnant in the first place attempted, but survived the next day.

Having a friend go that way is really hard. Trust me. A lot of us have been through that. We all know your pain, so just hang in there.

And don't beat up the cuntface that bullied your friend. His life will be ruined as it is already (knowing you have done something so bad haunts you for life). And his real punishment will be when he burns in Heck for eternity.
I was told my friend kyle died in a car crash, I even told SS about it. Then one day he contacts me through youtube. Apparently he was in a car crash, and lost both of his legs, but is still alive. Your story reminds me of that, oddly. :sweat:

I don't mean to seem rude, but every (I presume he's a freshman) freshman gets picked on that way :wink: I do feel sorry though, because I had suicidal thoughts about football this year. There's just always something I have to live for though. Dylan's probably bawling his eyes out right now :lol:

@TMH Not if he accepts the lord jesus christ as his savior![/pastor]
Anybody who commits suicide for being bullied (much less 2 months) is an idiot. I sympathize, but seriously, most of the blame should fall on him for his bad judgement or mental instability, not some kid who makes fun of him. Don't fall prey to making people who commit suicude into heros, what do you think drives it in the first place? Seek out solutions that match the problem.

As for your mass attack, consider the kid will probably not be in school tomorrow, and if he is, he is gonna be under a tight watch from the adults.

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More than likely, this Dylan kid is gonna feel guilt for a long time. With the "attack" you've all got planned, he may end up depressive himself. You should really reconsider this, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Heck, I was tormented for all of junior high and high school, and I never off'ed myself. I can relate to this kid's pain, and understand why the gun's an easy way out. It just really seems sad that he had no friends or family to help him out. I hope he's in peace.
zeturi said:
More than likely, this Dylan kid is gonna feel guilt for a long time. With the "attack" you've all got planned, he may end up depressive himself. You should really reconsider this, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

*Can'tSayThisOnTV* that. Beat the flax out of him.
PalmerTech and zeturi are right.

However, if it were my friend, I'd probably beat the flax out of him, and then lock him up.

I'm sorry for the loss, but I also completely agree with palmer. There are plenty of options other than suicide in a situation like that.
XCVG said:
firewire/1394 that. Beat the flux out of him.
I know, I feel that way too. But you gotta remember, the bully probably doesn't realize how much it actually affected the kid.

Think about it like this: The top-jock wants to keep his reputation among his peers, so he harasses the loners and geeks, or outcasts to look cool. Dylan's just playing out the role that always gets played out, every year in school. We all know it happens. It's not till the past decade that depression among teens has become so prevalent. (Especially to the point of suicide.) If Dylan had known how bad he'd hurt the poor kid, I'd bet he would've stopped.

For the rest of his life, Dylan will have the weight on him that he caused the suicide of a 14 year old boy. It's going to haunt him for a long time. He'll likely need some counseling or therapy himself. I don't want anyone to think I'm defending him, but the first thing everyone thinks is that Dylan should pay, burn in Heck, get the flax beaten out of him, or whatever.

I feel for Jeff. Depression can be a Sega. But tormenting his bully doesn't bring Jeff back to life, or honor his memory. Even as someone who was bullied throughout school, I stand by that. I do feel angry that bullying leads to this, but depression plays a huge part in it.

It saddens me as time passes by, that more and more of our generation is being swallowed by depression. Things like this will happen more often and will not stop unless somehow, we get it together about fighting against depression. I feel that that's what causes things like this to happen. Depression swallows you up, and it's hard to let go. The feeling is so rotten, cold and hopeless, it just makes you want to die sometimes.

So please, if anything comes from this, be aware what depression can cause. And if you feel like this, ever, find someone to talk to. Don't ever let that feeling make you think it's time to let everything go. Even if you don't think so, there is always someone out there who cares for you, or what happens to you. I would hate to lose anyone on these forums especially, so please, think of the pumpkin before you do something you might regret. :)
PalmerTech said:
zeturi said:
do something you might regret. :)

If you do it right, you will not regret it. :awesome:
Unless you end up reincarnated as an n64. In the beginning, there will be only darkness. Then some scuffling, and a mad tearing sound. Light will blind you, and you will be turned upside down. After having red-hot bic pens jammed into your crevices, you will hear the terrifying spin of a loud dremel, and it will tear your skin apart. Your flesh will be torn away, and your cartridge slot will be ripped off. Molten hot solder begins to join wires to your skeleton, and extend your cartridge slot. Wires are soldered into your joints. Hot glue covers your bones. A new skin is build around you, of armor. Just when you think it's over, the Song of Storms starts playing, and never stops... :P