Windows 8 consumer preview

... Do you even know how to use DOS?

Saying DOS is better as a GUI than the MetroUI is absolutely idiotic, and implying that it a better UI for the average windows user is even more so.
On top of that, I am willing to bet that you couldn't figure out how to do half of the stuff you can in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview while using DOS, less yet do so in a timely manner.
Have fun with you cd's and dir's all of the time, though...
You are a joke.

I don't see what everyone's problem is with the MetroUI. I mean, it looks good and mostly does it's job. About what using OS X is like. .. except it has windows compatibility...
Hyperbole, my man. While I agree that Metro is at least better than DOS, I should say this. I don't have any problem doing things in Windows 3.11. I can't even close apps in Windows 8. That's how fundamental the changes are. And I think the perception of what an "average user" is might be Windows 8's undoing. Recently, Microsoft has been trying to make things simple, and it only makes doing anything other than the most basic of tasks (and even those, see above) much more difficult. Oversimplification is NOT what the majority of Windows users (especially business users) want. That, I think, is the core problem with Windows 8, and Microsoft as of late in general.


About what using OS X is like. Well, there's your problem right there! Windows should not try to imitate OS X, that will be its undoing. See above argument.
The problem with OS's trying to be user friendly is that it makes everything harder to configure, and just a flat-out pain in the ass if you're trying to do anything but surf the web.

Windows used to be the sweet spot for the OS, between the stupidity of OSX and the complexity of UNIX. Now, they're trying to sink to OSX, making all tasks as difficult as running command-line UNIX.
Relax. Like I said in the other thread, I'm sure they'll include a way to disable it when it actually comes out, and even if not I'm sure they will for the Enterprise, Professional, or Server editions.
I'm looking into grabbing a cheap tablet PC to see how well it is on something like that. If it's useless, then I'll stick with Win 7 and Mac. Still, for a touchscreen device I can't see it doing badly.
It seems to me, that as we go on in time, the big player OSes are simply forgetting that not everyone is a mindbogglingly unintelligent "yay facebook and itunes machine" type. Some people want to use their computers to get flax done, and win8, and recent (3 years) osX have seemingly forgotten that. Neither really lends itself on workflow. OsX app switching is certainly cleaner than metro, but the part where theres no good hardware or software options on that overpriced flax kinda negates that mac doesn't really lend itself to anything professional anymore. I get the feeling 8 will go the way of vista, certainly in the business world. No IT crew in the world is gonna install this flax if they can help it.
Anyone know a flax load of C++? Quick, make millions off of an OS while the market fails...

Mountain Lion is trying to be too much like iOS.
Windows 8 is trying to be too much like Mountain Lion.

In all reality, no one is going to go, "HOLY flax! THE NEW OSX IS SO GOOD LET ME GO SPEND $1000 ON A COMPUTER!"
And, if 8 turns out like Vista like Sam said, Windows users are going to be like, "Eh, I'll wait till 9, since mainstream support doesn't end for another 3 years, or 8 years on 7."

I might look into 8 if there is a definite off switch for the UI so I can use a desktop.
samjc3 said:
It seems to me, that as we go on in time, the big player OSes are simply forgetting that not everyone is a mindbogglingly unintelligent "yay facebook and itunes machine" type. Some people want to use their computers to get flax done, and win8, and recent (3 years) osX have seemingly forgotten that. Neither really lends itself on workflow. OsX app switching is certainly cleaner than metro, but the part where theres no good hardware or software options on that overpriced flax kinda negates that mac doesn't really lend itself to anything professional anymore. I get the feeling 8 will go the way of vista, certainly in the business world. No IT crew in the world is gonna install this flax if they can help it.

I concur. I really went out on a Mac, and I won't be entirely surprised if it dies just out of the warranty period. I've tried some high end Windows laptops, but really I can't type as fast on those as I can on the keyboard, and plus the two finder scroll never lets me down.
There's the crap about them too. like the Dang price tag, and the fact that the specs aren't THAT wonderful.

And I've noticed that too- OSX Lion (as I've said before) dropped the ability for the average user to access system files. Plus I find that I can switch through windows faster on snow leopard than in lion- lion's got this new "bird's-eye-view" crap that I don't like. And that ipad like interface for apps? Oh god help us all.

I'm still in High school but I'm going to be going to University for comp sci. I suppose there I'll learn, either through the course or on my own, I'll learn as much C++ as possible.
DefectX11 said:
I'm still in High school but I'm going to be going to University for comp sci. I suppose there I'll learn, either through the course or on my own, I'll learn as much C++ as possible.
Seriously, if you can write an operating system to compete with OS X and Windows, I'll go with yours since it seems both releases are going to have some major turn offs.
Zero said:
Relax. Like I said in the other thread, I'm sure they'll include a way to disable it when it actually comes out, and even if not I'm sure they will for the Enterprise, Professional, or Server editions.
While apparently not in the consumer version, I'm using the developer version and it can be disabled in the registry.

Metro is a wonderful idea from a design standpoint, but has been executed extremely poorly and has given programmers an excuse to not work on the design of an application "herp just use tiles and solid shapes because that's what metro is about"
Not digging the touch-screeny layout for a non-tablet PC...I think I'll just stick with Windows 7 for the next few years :ninj:
Jidan said:
Not digging the touch-screeny layout for a non-tablet PC...I think I'll just stick with Windows 7 for the next few years :ninj:

It gets really annoying after a short while. A mouse/trackpad is NOT a substitute for a touchscreen.
My friend is taking an operating system course for his 3rd year. It's funny how well he expressed his love for Win XP- I'm expecting him to make an updated version once he completes the course.
DefectX11 said:
Win XP- I'm expecting him to make an updated version once he completes the course.
Yes- after a one-year OS course, he'll be able to modify the ASM of a multi-billion line cross-platform 11-year-old OS.
I didn't mean change the WHOLE THING, just little bits and pieces, like a new skin, drivers and support, etc.
You know, things that people have already done... It just he wants to do it for himself.
Good luck with that one...

You might as well just run XP with a couple Stardock customization tools and a good antivirus.

XP is 11 years old. Half the people on this forum probably don't even remember 11 years ago. It's run its course.

Install Windows 7 and disable UAC. There's your modernized XP.
1) Most of windows ins't written in ASM. ASM on a project that large would be a joke.
2) You don't need to change much code in order to change boot animations, images, and themes.