will be inactive


Frequent Poster
well school is about to kill me, got E's in two of my classes and i have no phone, computer, or ipod to use to go on the internet with so i wont be on for a while. i will get on occasionally (once a week maybe) because i cant use my wii to go on the internet while people are home. i can still work on my stuff though so i will be posting some major updates when i get my stuff back
I'm thinking it's a typo. :F

Come back soon, man. If you start on that Saturn portable while you're gone, know that I'm rooting for you every step of the way! :D
Joeyjoe9876 said:
got E's in two of my classes

Took me a while to find that gif.

Fixed it for you! -TW
in my school board, the lowest you can get is a D- in grade/middle school.(in highschool, you can fail tho)
in elementary school, they replaced 'F's with 'U's for "unsatisfactory". Kids aren't retarded, they know that 'U' means 'F'
Twilight Wolf said:
Unless you have really low standards as a teacher, isn't anything below a C "unsatisfactory?"
a D is technically passing, so it is satisfies the conditions to allow you to pass. :wink:
Up here in Canada, where I live anyway, you get an I if you have below 50% and if you don't do anything about it you get an F. In reality though, people manage to pass with like 40%, somehow.
Yeahhhh, never heard of an E. Got an "M" in 3rd grade geography though :awesome:

tbh, getting B's pissed me off. Its like an A....except NOT.