Wiki jobs are needed! Sign-up here!


He who mods in thy basement.

Alright, people, we have the wiki now! For those of you who have visited it lately, you may have noticed something missing: content! :P

This is where you come in. I need volunteers to fill these positions as soon as possible. Please only volunteer for 1 or 2 things as I would like to have everybody participate, rather then have this be a situation of whoever posted first gets to run everything.


If an item is crossed out, its taken.

-basic info (background, etc.)XCVG
-power information (including wiring, draw, etc.)XCVG
-A/V information (including RGB guides.)
-board reduction information
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

Playstation (1,2,+3)
-basic info [PS1, PSone, PS2, PS2 slim, PS3]
-power wiring info [PS1, PSone, PS2, PS2 slim, PS3]
-A/V information [PS1, PSone, PS2, PS2 slim, PS3]
-Board reduction information [PS1, PSone, PS2, PS2 slim, PS3]
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

-basic info [XBOX, XBOX 360]
-power wiring info [XBOX, XBOX 360]
-A/V information [XBOX, XBOX 360]
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

Sega Dreamcast/ Saturn/ Genesis+Mega Drive
-basic info [Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis]
-power wiring info [Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis]
-A/V information [Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis]
-board reduction information [Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis]
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

Super Nintendo/ NES
-basic info [SNES, SNES mini, NES]
-power wiring info [SNES, SNES mini, NES]
-A/V information [SNES, SNES mini, NES]
-board reduction information [SNES, SNES mini, NES]
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

Gamecube/ Wii
-basic info [GC, Wii]
-power wiring info [GC, Wii]
-A/V info [GC, Wii]
-board reduction information [GC, Wii]
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

Atari 2600/ 5200/ 7800/ Jaguar
-basic info [2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar]
-power wiring info [2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar]
-A/V info [2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar]
-Board reduction information [2600, 5200, 7800, Jaguar]
-small mod guides (can take multiple.)

basic electronic knowledge
-Just give me what you have here. (Things like how to solder, use a multimeter, etc.)

If you make something thats not on the list, just ask what to do with it. Replies in this topic are to be either offering to write an article or asking questions about the contents of your article. Everything else goes in the chat room. Thats what its there for, after all. :wink:

Edit- You can just request one system from the brackets. EG: [PS1, PSone, etc.]
For those of you who haven't bothered to read the wiki, here's a quick tip:
Don't actually edit any of the pages yet.
Don't add anything, don't change anything.
The wiki isn't set up in full yet.
Any changes are additions are liable to be removed.
When the wiki is fully ready, there'll be a nice clear message saying so.
jleemero said:
For those of you who haven't bothered to read the wiki, here's a quick tip:
Don't actually edit any of the pages yet.
Don't add anything, don't change anything.
The wiki isn't set up in full yet.
Any changes are additions are liable to be removed.
When the wiki is fully ready, there'll be a nice clear message saying so.

Forgot to add this. fix'd. :wink:
I can do basic information on the N64, MAYBE power information. I can probably do some info on basic electronics.

Also, I'm going to go around and try to secure permission to repost guides for mods from various people. Most people will probably tell me to go... uh... nevermind.
XCVG said:
I can do basic information on the N64, MAYBE power information. I can probably do some info on basic electronics.

Also, I'm going to go around and try to secure permission to repost guides for mods from various people. Most people will probably tell me to go... uh... nevermind.

Hold off on that for now, probably better to have an admin ask. :wink:

Besides, we want them to join and post it themselves if at all possible! :P
bacteria said:
Let's try and make this a success. We don't just have to have one person doing one thing, it is entirely probable that someone else who approached a mod in a different way can get a different result and thereby add that to the Wiki. An example of this is powering the DreamCast...
This is just to start it up. Anybody can add stuff later. :wink:
The reason I want to repost guides is because there's lots of information, but it's scattered all over the web. Mmmonkey and GameSX come to mind, but there's a lot of small websites with a good mod or two. Of course, I would never repost without permission and there would be a credit, link to website, etc.
I could probably do some guides basic electronics. What does N64 small mods entail? If it was for portablizing, like replacing switches, relocating stuff, I could probably do a few guides in there as well.
It would be nice if someone could add some infoboxes. I tried copying the template from wikipedia, but it failed epically.
snowpenguin said:
I could probably do some guides basic electronics. What does N64 small mods entail? If it was for portablizing, like replacing switches, relocating stuff, I could probably do a few guides in there as well.
Like LED swaps, overclocking, etc.