Wiikey to disk drive.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a mod possible where you can switch between using the Wiikey fusion and the original GC disk drive? Basically switching from SD booting to playing with the disk?
just to add to the information posted in that thread:

if you plan to use the original dvd connector plug, then you will have data conflict issues because 5v is always supplied to the DVD drive from the plug..
you will need to cut the 5v traces from the dvd board and solder a 5v wire there from a switch..

if you do not plan to use the original dvd connector plug, then you can wire up the DVD drive to the WKF and use its "passthru" ability the same way as using a wii dvd drive...

either route you go, i highly recommend using WKF firmware 1.3 or swiss on flash
you will have major issues with 1.4 and 1.5 with a dvd drive