Disk Drive Extension Help

Hey guys, it's my first time making a portable (ever) and have a case and whatnot set up for a school HSC project, but I need to extend the disk drive off of the motherboard a little more than just having it plug straight in.

I don't have the time to order an SD card mod of any sorts and don't really know how to wire it directly or anything.

Could someone please help me with a guide or a link to a cable to extend this please? Would be a great help - Browny
Unfortunately, the connector used for the disc drive is proprietary (made only by Nintendo), so you won't find any kind of extension cable online. The only quick solution is to wire it directly. The wiring is much easier if you remove the connectors on both the motherboard and the disc drive.


Disc Drive:

You must match up all 18 numbered pins between the motherboard and the disc drive. The two power wires (ground and 5 volts) must also be connected between the motherboard and disc drive; on the disc drive, there are 4 solder pads for 5v and 10 pads for ground. It's wise to use fairly thick wires to carry ground and 5v, but you can use very thin wire for data lines.