Wouldn't a softmod be cheaper???

Before you say that this supports gamecube backups- it only does this if you have a drive board that supports playng backups of wii or gamecube with a wiikey. So... if you softmod and have a newer drive you can't play backups stock but neogamm and uloader both support external dvd drive via usb to play backups. Neogamma supports gc backups- mine does by means of both external dvd drive and my wii's disc drive.

A softmod is FREE
I mean if you're gonna spend $40 on a wiikey just use that money and buy an SD gecko for little homebrew things you can do in gamecube mode and for cheats on the wii. Or even Lego Indiana Jones for the wii from ebay so that you can softmod ANY wii regardless of system menu with the Indiana PWNs exploit. I'm just saying. I mean I have one but merely for purposes of development sometime in the future. I also have 3 WODE's but I stick with just softmod. Just saying you could spend money on something of greater use and function bud.
rideordie71 said:
I mean if you're gonna spend $40 on a wiikey just use that money and buy an SD gecko for little homebrew things you can do in gamecube mode and for cheats on the wii. Or even Lego Indiana Jones for the wii from ebay so that you can softmod ANY wii regardless of system menu with the Indiana PWNs exploit. I'm just saying. I mean I have one but merely for purposes of development sometime in the future. I also have 3 WODE's but I stick with just softmod. Just saying you could spend money on something of greater use and function bud.
That made me laugh. Just saying. And I agree. softmods are pretty useful. And free. But, what most of are forum members use it for is our GC portables. And you know what the retail price for the wiikey is?60 *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing $.So I was just sharing my find with the rest of the world. Kapeesh?
So this can be used in making a portable gamecube to eliminate the dvd drive as techknott did in his gamecube sd?

If this is so then I am amazed (it's new to me) and VERY interested as to how this can be put on a gamecube... Please explain!!!!!!!
never mind I found it in the gamecube section. This method does beat having a disc though. I should read more but I guess work sometimes makes it hard to actually READ and not skim