Wii Handheld

Before I say anything, I don't know a Dang thing about modding consoles into handhelds. The furthest I've dipped into it is running cfw, or modded Wiis.

That being said, I wanted to make a portable Gamecube. I was thinking of how bulky they turn out [from what I've seen], and generally have an exposed disc slot [I don't know the steps to actually getting a gc handheld to boot isos from sd]. Blah blah, a few other sentences.

Couldn't it theoretically be possible to make a Wii portable that runs as a GC portable? It's possible to set up to boot directly into a usb launcher [which is now able to run GC with DiosMios], and I believe USBLauncherGX is controllable with a gc controller, so there's no need for wiimote/sensor bar. In place of optical drive, situate a 2.5" hard drive, which would leave extra space for a screen or speaker setup, and use the batteries from a Polaroid PDV 700 [thin + long instead of blocky cubes, plus come pre-attached to a power regulator board]. In theory, it would make for a fairly bulky handheld, but with the sleek game selection screen that most loaders use.

Just a thought I had, which obviously needs deeper thought and research.
Yes. But practical? No. The Wii mobo is much bigger then an almostWTF of OMGWTF cut and draws more current then a GC. Not to metion the fact that you need 12v to run a wii but not a GC.