Wii/GC Button Swap Questions


The coolest mod I've ever done was switch around the buttons on a SNES controller so the colors were in different places (that was soooooo hard! i was almost gonna kill myself). But I was wondering - what particular parts can be interchanged from a Wii classic controller (I have 4 GC controllers so it's not like I'll be losing much) and a GC controller. Just by looking, it seems like the B button can be swapped (I'd love playing with that B button!) and I heard you can swap the C-stick. What about the regular analog stick? Can you swap that too? It would be so cool to have franken-controllers. But will all of this fit properly, or will it require me to modify the controller case (I'm not going there) or the button/stick (depends on what it was, if it's like the SNES controller where I just break off little tabs you never see that's fine).
