Who's good at trig. Tchay needs help.


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This is driving me nuts. This question was on a review from my college website. I think it is wrong.


I feel like the correct answer SHOULD be (14π/3 and -4π/3) but that isn't an option.

My answer sheet says the correct answer is A, which doesn't make sense to me since -2π/3 doesn't even land on the same terminal as 8π/3.

It's driving Tchay nuts. Someone. Explain.
I like your answer. I get the feeling they subtracted 2pi and just assumed the result was negative instead of subtracting another 2pi
:/ I was actually hopping I did something wrong.

I've been going through a 100 question review and several of the questions made NO sense in terms of the correct answer. This means I might be unlearning things...

They have *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed up the answer for sure. You can tell easily. All you do is take a circle, cut it in half horizontally, then divide each section of the circle into three. Count from the 0 position to 14, you get the line of the angle. Then count from 0 back 2.

They are totally not coterminal.