Who has wired a headphone jack PROPERLY


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The headphone jack has been an ongoing problem for me. No matter what I try, there are problems.

Mario's diagram doesn't work on certain amps, and even wiring it correctly, when I plug in my headphones the amp itself becomes damaged and the sound becomes distorted.

Also, the speakers themselves never fully turn off. They only become more quiet. Resistors on the L and R inputs can make them very quiet, but I shouldn't have to do this right? I keep ruining my amps whenever I wire up headphone jacks.

I am using the radio shack headphone jack with a very standard setup:

The amp always gets damaged when I plug in headphones. It creates shorting inside of the jack and then the amp has horrible base distortion (some of you know what I am talking about, on the gamecube menu).

My guess is that resistors are needed somewhere. I have 22K on the L and R input.

Has anyone actually gotten a headphone jack to WORK. Like really truly work? With an amp without ruining it?
I got one working awhile ago using some random headphone jack from an old laptop. Had to pin it all out myself, but I got it working eventually.
Your amp didn't get distorted?

mine seems to be working right now. With the 22K resistors, no sound comes out of the speakers after pluggin in the headphones. BUT the headphone speakers get hot. Anyone know any issues related to this?
you need a switch...

remember the GBA prosound mod?
the GBA board has a sense line to mute the main speaker when headphones are connected...
the sense line isolates the amp to drive only the main speaker or only the headphones as well as prevent the amp from seeing a combined lower resistance since the amp would see all the speakers in parallel configuration...that screws with impedence across the line and the amp drives more current causing the speakers to draw heavy, distort, and overheat...and damage the amp with the impedence load causing a higher current output...

so a simple switch to isolate which direction sound will be routed will work..
or you could try something really crazy, like wiring up the headphone jack the right way...
:twisted: :)

1 = GND

with headphones not plugged in, pins 2 and 5 will naturally contact pins 3 and 4..
when headphones are connected, pins 2 and 5 will be pushed away from pins 3 and 4 to isolate the main speaker and deliver signal to the headphones only...