Which 3DS Game are you itching to get when it comes out?

Ocarina of time 3d, Resident Evil Mercenaries, Luigi's Mansion 3d(there is a 50-50 chance they are going to remake it for the 3ds they already are thinking about) Mario kart 3d, Paper Mario 3d,
Super Mario 3d and that is it
Majora1155 said:
ocarina of time for sure. nintendo better do a remake of majoras mask also.

seriously. If they don't, I will be very very VERY upset.

And cave story sounds awesome. I never played it, but it looks pretty cool and has gotten quite a following.
PalmerTech said:
I found out that Cave Story is coming out.

That is exciting.

That's probably the game I'm most excited for, even more so than Ocarina of Time and Star Fox. :sweat:
Can't wait to get one + the new Nintendogs tbh

Nothing was better than constantly shouting Holly at my DS.
I just love that entire game. In my opinion it's the best 3D super mario bros game.

EDIT: A Shadow of the Colossus remake / sequel would be awesome :awesome:
3MZ said:
I just love that entire game. In my opinion it's the best 3D super mario bros game.

EDIT: A Shadow of the Colossus remake / sequel would be awesome :awesome:
Shadow of the Colossus is sony property

also, Mario Sunshine is the worst 3D Super Mario Bros Game.

1) Super Mario 64
2) Super Mario Galaxy 2
3) Super Mario Galaxy
4) Super Mario Sunshine
grossaffe said:
also, Mario Sunshine is the worst 3D Super Mario Bros Game.
You best be trolling :P

I lost my 3DS :P I'm almost tempted to take a picture of every square inch of my bedroom and have you guys find it, I seriously can't find it, but I know it's within 5 feet of me.
Kickback said:
grossaffe said:
also, Mario Sunshine is the worst 3D Super Mario Bros Game.

The worst of the bunch is still a really enjoyable game.
Agreed. I'll gladly take last place in the olympics over first place in the special olympics.
64 was the best, without a doubt, but there is no way Sunshine is the worst. It was much better than Galaxy imo. (Galaxy was still an excellent game of course, and a must-play)