Around $150
A PSP-1001 CIB + 10 UMD movies
A 20gig 360(it had RRoD, got it cheap and fixed it)
So much candy
I think that about sums it up
Wow, I wish I had thought to ask for some of that stuff for Christmas. Somehow, "PSone Screen" didn't even go on my list.
Let's see.

Black leather jacket with a leather hoodie
Neat black gloves to go with the jacket
HD (720) video recorder w/MP3
A shirt
2 total PS3 games (Mirror's Edge and Kayne and Lynch)
And a model airplane from my son

Super Paper Mario pajamas
gamestop gift card
Target gift card
10 megapixel Nikon digital camera and 4gb SD card
A book with pictures of Florida
A little over $400 USD in cash and checks.
An office chair

Ayeup. Good Christmas.
A mini backpack
ninja face mask (just the nose down)
leather skull cap (doesn't really fit yet)
cell phone
4gb sdhc card
many different kinds of cards reader
500 gb hdd
zippo lighter
lighter fluid
manriki chain(bola thingy) (throw around legs and make em trip whatchaa!)
sonic folder flip knife with a mini ninja star in it(awesomest thing ever)
belt with hidden knife in it
umbrella with a hidden sword in it
full tang sword with two slits in it, black, has sheath, hella cool sound when swung.
Batman-esque spiked arm vambraces
ninja hand claws
mini 9v ratshack audio amp
2gb sansa clip
gigaware portable speaker thingy
some other non internesting stuff(unless i forgot somethin awesome)

ReClaim jeans
Aeropostale zip up hoodie
pair of skull candy earbuds
and $590 Cash Money
New computer

SS, question, do you smoke? cause you got a lighter. Also, SS HAZ A CELL PHONE OMG I NEEDZ # 2 CALL AND TXT MAH BB.
I don't smoke. Smoking is bad. I do, however, appriciate fireworks, and fire, and a good quality lighter.

Also, my phone doesn't have texting enabled.

being a pyro is fun too :ninj: my parents always need to keep the lighter away from me when it's out.
ShockSlayer said:
A mini backpack
ninja face mask (just the nose down)
leather skull cap (doesn't really fit yet)
cell phone
4gb sdhc card
many different kinds of cards reader
500 gb hdd
zippo lighter
lighter fluid
manriki chain(bola thingy) (throw around legs and make em trip whatchaa!)
sonic folder flip knife with a mini ninja star in it(awesomest thing ever)
belt with hidden knife in it
umbrella with a hidden sword in it
full tang sword with two slits in it, black, has sheath, hella cool sound when swung.
Batman-esque spiked arm vambraces
ninja hand claws
mini 9v ratshack audio amp
2gb sansa clip
gigaware portable speaker thingy
some other non internesting stuff(unless i forgot somethin awesome)

weeaboo "Flamboyant Homosexual".
I got:

Rosetta Stone Japanese
Some books
Solar USB Device Charger

A clear Game Boy Pocket, which I modded into this:




Oh, and two more DMGs. I backlit them, and made this picture:

Beta, I'm not a japfag like Palmer's love interest. I'm a Batman fan, and batman is essentially the American ninja.
I don't like naruto, and I don't watch anime in general, and I generally hate people that love anything japanese or anything of that culture.
I also don't like asians, cause I haven't met one yet that isn't obsessed with themselves or their retarded culture.

I appriciate knives and thier sharpness and the cool factor, so happy face.

ShockSlayer said:
Beta, I'm not a japfag like Palmer's love interest. I'm a Batman fan, and batman is essentially the American ninja.
I don't like naruto, and I don't watch anime in general, and I generally hate people that love anything japanese or anything of that culture.
I also don't like asians, cause I haven't met one yet that isn't obsessed with themselves or their retarded culture.

I appriciate knives and thier sharpness and the cool factor, so happy face.

this! even though i didnt get no knives or nothing like that. i have tons of stuff like this. i mean, Heck, i carry a butterfly knife more often than my ipod. :awesome:
ShockSlayer said:
Beta, I'm not a japfag like Palmer's love interest. I'm a Batman fan, and batman is essentially the American ninja.
I don't like naruto, and I don't watch anime in general, and I generally hate people that love anything japanese or anything of that culture.
I also don't like asians, cause I haven't met one yet that isn't obsessed with themselves or their retarded culture.

I appriciate knives and thier sharpness and the cool factor, so happy face.


I'm half Japanese, you @sshole. lol
Err.. lets see.
like £100, most of that went on clothes standardly.
Fight Night 4, Resistance 2, COD6 or whatever and something else
And thats about it pretty much. lol
ShockSlayer said:
Beta, I'm not a japfag like Palmer's love interest. I'm a Batman fan, and batman is essentially the American ninja.
I don't like naruto, and I don't watch anime in general, and I generally hate people that love anything japanese or anything of that culture.
I also don't like asians, cause I haven't met one yet that isn't obsessed with themselves or their retarded culture.

I appriciate knives and thier sharpness and the cool factor, so happy face.


Everyone who got any money is a *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing *Can'tSayThisOnTV* *Can'tSayThisOnTV* *Can'tSayThisOnTV* *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ITY *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ER!

That is all.

I got dick flax.