Well my first attmept was a failure.

Thats right, I went to relocate my card slot and I burnt out my board. I dont think I want to do this anymore. Its getting expensive.
Are you sure you fried it? You could've missed some connentions or it could've gone in the fabled "sleep mode"...
it doesnt matter if the led lights up the board can still be fried. but if the led isnt lighting up check the 3.3v line and make sure the power supply isnt broken or fried. make sure you have a jumper pak in.
I only fried two in the process of building YAP64. Frying one is nothing, don't give up. I believe SS fried about six N64s building his first N64p.
it's not like they're super expensive, if you need some PAL N64s, i can get you some real cheap

don't give up, its worth it :awesome:
Royal, I think i'm the first to openly say this, but: STOP. You haven't even started flax. Make a portable or at least start one, then you're allowed to make fun of those who abandoned their work. :p