weird video problem


Well-Known Member
I have an almostwtf trim gamecube with a wiikey and custom regs and the other ports wired up. The wiikey plays fine, but the video is all distorted. I know it isnt the wiikey because it worked fine on my other gamecube, and also the video was like that before i installed it but I've had a similar problem but the distortion went away when i played the game, so this time i didnt think anything of it. I switched to shielded wire too on the video. I pulled video directly from the chip and the resistor and at one point the capacitor was wired up too but i took it off. Has onyone had this problem or know what I can do to fix it?

Ah yes. Your wires are WAY too thin for the amount of amperage going into them. Your 1.9v line to be specific.

Try using a thick 18-22 guage wire for the 1.9v line.

And also shorten those wires. Keep them below 3" long.
Tchay said:
Ah yes. Your wires are WAY too thin for the amount of amperage going into them. Your 1.9v line to be specific.

Try using a thick 18-22 guage wire for the 1.9v line.

And also shorten those wires. Keep them below 3" long.

this. same thing happened to me when working on my old cube. thicker wires solved the problem right away.
It means the cpu isn't getting enough voltage. Thicker wire if you are using a 1.9 reg but if you are using a seperate regs for the gpu and cpu check if it is outputting a proper 1.5v signal
I believe I can just double up the wires? I use these same wires in all my portables and I've never had a single problem with them before.
gman said:
I believe I can just double up the wires? I use these same wires in all my portables and I've never had a single problem with them before.

I'm surprised you even got the cube to turn on tbh. Turn on the gamecube with that thin wire still hooked up, and feel the wire. Im curious if its really hot from voltage drop. Also test the 1.9v pin with your multimeter. If the CPU goes below 1.5v, you will have issues with the board working properly.

But yeah, two wires might be enough. Check and see with a multimeter.
I doubled up on all the voltage wires and shortened them too, it's working fine now. I've used those wires on all my cubes and they all work fine, this is the first time I've had issues. Well since there are no issues, I'm gonna go ahead and epoxy those wiikey wires cause I know they are gonna start breaking off soon. Also, I've got an autoboot wiikey on 1.5 and sometimes it goes straight to the menu when i turn it on and skips the gamecube menu. I havent done anything different on this wiikey then on my other ones..
My first Envision had a wiikey that did that. It's a mystery to me. Either two of the wires were touching causing this to happen, or it was a defect in the Wiikey that caused the auto boot.

It created some weird problems, however. My Envision wouldn't show the startup bios until I hit the wiikey switch (it was just a black screen, until I pushed the switch). And it could also be problematic for multi-disc games, although I had never tried it out on that Envision.
Tchay, I am having that exact problem, my GC just gives me a black screen on start up. I just finished wiring up my wiikey being sure to check for shorts and what not. Are you sure it has to do with two crossed wires?
I am on a roll! I've succesfully installed the last 3 wiikeys i bought with no problems! I think I've lifted my wiikey curse finally.

So now ive wired it up by soldering to the ffc cable and directly to the wiikey. I have to say that the ffc method is easier. You can disconnect the wiikey for any reason and the wires are farther apart so there isnt a need for more concentration when soldering. I installed this in about an hour with a break in between for the epoxy to dry.

One thing though, This wiikey is on 1.5 and just like my last one, it's autoboot. No idea why. I dont like this. It makes me worried that multidisc games wont work since the loading button does nothing. I've been soldering pin 29 to the microchip which is the pin on the very edge. Maybe it has to do with that or my switch is weird.


Just realized this is my 333rd post.

EDIT: I was just playing around with it and now its responding to the loading button but is still autoboot. I'm assuming all is well now
check if your gnd is dirty...this might be causing an autoboot type action....
and by dirty, i mean check for any voltage from bootup to autoboot to after its loaded and then press the pin switch...

document all your readings and then do it again a few times...
post all your results