Weekend portable: NintenGO 64 XL


The True Blue Hedgehog
I haven't been on this board in a LONG time. In 2013, I joined the Navy and got swept away from any free time. We pulled into port about a week ago, and we only had a free weekend before we got back out to sea. I thought to myself "can I build a portable in 3 days?". So I did. Its crude, its rude, its one mean dude. But im satisfied with the limited resources I had. My last portable was the NintenGO 64 a few years ago. Ive been portablizing a long time and havent always posted my finished works. But im here to present this one because when I came back here, so much has changed. SS is gone along with a few others, and new faces (hello!). Ive been with you guys so long, I was here back when we were ALL on Benheck forums. So heres to all my old homies SS, Beta, LoB, Marshall, Hailrazer and others, and heres to making new friends too. Hope I can give more over time.

Edit: FRANKENCASING FOR THE WIN. Used to be a Memorex iPod docking clock. $15 a Goodwill.







Even made a case for it to take on board the ship with me:


Ah, crude frankencasing brings me back to the glory days. By which I mean the twilight of the glory days, which I was around to see.
Not bad for a weekend, and it's awesome to see old members coming out of the woodwork.
ProgMetalMan said:
Ah, crude frankencasing brings me back to the glory days. By which I mean the twilight of the glory days, which I was around to see.
Not bad for a weekend, and it's awesome to see old members coming out of the woodwork.

Heck yeah man, its good to be back. I cant believe how much has changed. We all left Benheck late 2009, and Beta made this place. I remember when Bac was here, then the contest scandal, then Hailraizer left. I miss SS already :( Bac was ny mentor, and where is LoB? I noticed Benheck forums were gone now. Everyone has started their own sites, but ill never forget it all started in BH.

And the only cases I do is frankencasing. Its much more fun to me :)
PalmerTech (now of course famous for Oculus) and SS are considered the founders of this site, though βeta did name it, did the initial install, and was obviously an instrumental early member.
Yeah, though the relationship with MBB was rocky, it does suck that it's gone considering how active it was.
SS has been mostly gone since 2012, though he's still in his own corner of the internet and trying to stream DoTA on Twitch.
BenHeck forums are still around, but they break down a lot and are only fixed when it's convenient to Ben.
LoB pops in from time to time, and apparently manages a rather lucrative chain of laundromats.
This is the website for portablizing. SSF and MBB are gone and BH has been dead for five years now.
Hey Sonic, I remember you from the BH days. Nice work on the portable, all the more impressive for the time frame it was created. Awesome!
robm said:
Hey Sonic, I remember you from the BH days. Nice work on the portable, all the more impressive for the time frame it was created. Awesome!

Robm! Thanks man! I'm going to try to get this DC portable going soon!
You're obviously a dirty liar. This was manufactured by Memorex. Quit trying to pass it off as your own.

Nice carrying case, tho.
ttsgeb said:
You're obviously a dirty liar. This was manufactured by Memorex. Quit trying to pass it off as your own.

Nice carrying case, tho.

:lol: You got me!

Kickback said:
No idea what that Memorex thing was, but I bet this portable is a better use.

It was an iPod Radio/clock dock.

In an unrelated note, I'm building a PS2 portable and a Dreamcast portable RIGHT now. Once again, I only have 4 days to make them. At the same time. But I'm thinking of postponing the PS2 portable, because I MIGHT try my hand at vacuum forming.