Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread updated 6/26


Master Collector
Hi. I'm WEAPONEPSILON. You may remember me from BENHECK.

I'm gonna post me trade thread here. It will be updated. If there is something you are looking for, please shoot me a PM. I have several Thrift stores nearby where I find all sorts of things! I am a trader, so if you have something you want but no cash, I can take almost anything off your hands.

Don't be modest! I own EVERY SINGLE SYSTEM so I am always looking to add to my collection!


Super JOY NOAC, cables, no cart

Super JOY NOAC with cables and cart. WORKS!

Original NES. Tested with only 2 controllers

Tiger Game.com. Original model. No Stylus


GBO Magnifier. Broken tab

Link cable


Sonic and Knuckles collection. With sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, and Sonic 3 and Knuckles


XBOX S controller. Broken, dunno whats wrong.

Sony Playstation

System link cable

Docs memory card compressor.

Legend of the Dragoon for ps1, missing disc 1 and manual. Good replacements for someone.

Dukes of Hazzard for ps1. Disc only.

PS1 3rd party barracuda controller.


Atari 7800 pro joystick.

original paddle controller.


a cache of fifa soccer for sega cd


2 portable DVD batteries. one is an Audiovox 7.2v and the other is a Coby 7.4v 3500mAh. Unknown compositions.

PIXTER childrens handheld, no battery cover. This will make an excellent project case.

I am looking for any of the following:

Punchout for Wii
Sega CDX (As long as the hardware works, I dont care if its beat up)

Anything not on this list.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

Has a fix been attempted on the RRoD? And how much are you charging for the PSone screen? Gamegear?
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

Sonic and Knuckles collection for...$15?
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

Shipped? Yes. A warning though, I tried to play it on my modern pc and it flew at warp speed. I died with a time over in 45 seconds. It's impossible to play without a tweak. Or if you have an older PC.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

When the game starts, it will be on a small sized box. Drag the box to about half screen size and it will work fine. Works on my modern PC.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

I remember when I tried to play C&C Red Alert it ran super fast, I had to disable something like "hardware acceleration" and it ran perfect.

$20 for bare PSone LCD? :prays:
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

weaponepsilon said:
Shipped? Yes. A warning though, I tried to play it on my modern pc and it flew at warp speed. I died with a time over in 45 seconds. It's impossible to play without a tweak. Or if you have an older PC.

If you go fullscreen, this issue goes away. Also, there's a patch to correct that error, if I remember correctly.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

See, I knew you guys were smart.

@J.D. I take paypal, MO, or discreetly concealed cash.

@epicelite Sure. It is the LCD TFT only. There is a small corner where the film was ripped. I believe it was called a diffusion layer. I have a busted PSP screen that I was going to remove a small piece from to fix it, but meh, too lazy. The guy I bought it off of did an antiglare mod to it and that was an unfortunate accident. For payment, SEE ABOVE.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread

weaponepsilon said:
See, I knew you guys were smart.

@J.D. I take paypal, MO, or discreetly concealed cash.

@epicelite Sure. It is the LCD TFT only. There is a small corner where the film was ripped. I believe it was called a diffusion layer. I have a busted PSP screen that I was going to remove a small piece from to fix it, but meh, too lazy. The guy I bought it off of did an antiglare mod to it and that was an unfortunate accident. For payment, SEE ABOVE.

Oh, well u could have described it better.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread updated 7/22

I'm interested in the Neo Geo, XBOX controller, and portable DVD player. PM me.
Re: Weaponepsilon's Trade Thread updated 7/22

All trading is currently suspended, pending my move in the next two weeks. If we are in the midst of a trade, PM and we can finish before your items are packed away.