Visa Gift Card and the App store


No Stranger To Love
So I have a $25 Visa Gift Card, and I want to buy some games for my new iPod Touch. Color me retarded, but it appears that I can't use the gift card in the App store. It keeps saying that the security code is false. Any help on this?
They probably don't accept them, but there is a simple solution. Go to your nearest Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, etc. and use your Visa Gift Card to buy an Itunes Gift Card. Input gift card code, and bam, problem solved.
Zero's strategy is your best bet as long as you only want to use it on iTunes.

Most online retailers require verification on a card in order to put a charge on it. You have to call the company that issued the card (or visit their website) and enter your name and mailing address.Then you enter that information as the billing address when you make a purchase.

If it's a Vanilla Visa card, I'm afraid you're probably SOL. I bought one of those a couple years ago, and for some reason they stopped registering cards. Calling didn't work, and they took the registration site down. It never worked on iTunes, Steam, or NewEgg.

If you want to buy things regularly on the Internet without the hanging debt of a credit card, start an additional free checking account with the bank, get a debit card for it, and keep a low balance. That way you can only spend as much as you put on it, with no worrying about monthly bills and high interest rates.
Go to check your balance, you'll have to register your information with the card. There should be a clicky button for that on the page somewhere, if I remember correctly.
bic said:
If you want to buy things regularly on the Internet without the hanging debt of a credit card, start an additional free checking account with the bank, get a debit card for it, and keep a low balance. That way you can only spend as much as you put on it, with no worrying about monthly bills and high interest rates.


Debit cards for the win! Ever since I got one buying stuff online has been super easy. :awesome:
Exactly! :awesome: No more paying $5 every time you want to activate a new mall gift card! (Simon Malls never lets you add money to a card; you have to use the remaining balance on the card plus some cash to buy and activate a new card, which then has to be registered to you. :facepalm: Painus in the anus.)