Video Game Consoles/Peripherals in order of rarity

In my opinion, I don't think anyone on this site is in the position to discuss relevancy in the posts of this forum...
maybe he meant frontlit?(which still isn't that rare, it's just that the only people who have them are too retarded to know what any of that means)
Hail used to region mod those in his closet.

Oh, and they have one at the store where I get all my retro console flax for somewhat good deals.(games are good prices, consoles, meh)
Add Sega CD. The model 1 one is hard to find affordbly working.

Regular Famicom too. It's not horribly rare, but they aren't too cheap any more and there's not much reason to mod one like we do here, especially considering if you really want FDS you can use it on an NES...
Bibin said:
Add Sega CD. The model 1 one is hard to find affordbly working.

Regular Famicom too. It's not horribly rare, but they aren't too cheap any more and there's not much reason to mod one like we do here, especially considering if you really want FDS you can use it on an NES...

Do you have any idea how awkward that would be? In fact, I'm not completely sure you can even do that without taking it apart.

Also, why would anyone want a Sega CD anyway? To play Night Trap?