Video Game Consoles/Peripherals in order of rarity


No Stranger To Love
Here are come video game consoles and peripherals in order of rarity.

Slightly-moderately rare
You best leave these items for collectors and normal consumers, although, in moderation, using these is fine.

Top Loading NES
This smaller redesign of the NES came out AFTER the SNES, as a low-budget last ditch marketing strategy. Only about 1-2 million of these sold.

I doubt many people are going to mod/portablize the Intellevison anyway, but the Intellevision only sold about 1-2 million units, and a lot of people aren't willing to part with theirs.

Gameboy Light
The Gameboy Light is really only useful for collectors. You can easily backlight a Gameboy Pocket, and it will look way better then the backlight on the Gameboy Light. This only sold less then 1 million copies.

Official Sony PSOne screen
There aren't a lot of these, and they are highly sought out for by collectors and modders alike. Try to get a Zenith screen, as it is the same thing but repackaged for the Xbox.

Virtual Boy
First off, there are really no reasons to modify a Virtual Boy that involve taking it apart. This only sold about 780,000 units, and a lot of those were sold in Japan. Don't mod these.

These are slightly rare, only sold about 2-4 million, and generally sell for more then $60. If you can find one, great! Mod it. Just try not to use too many of these.

Genesis 3
These aren't terribly rare, but a lot of non-modders are looking for these too. Just keep that in mind. These are really only rare in the US, and the Genesis 3 is still being produced in Brazil and 2nd world/developing countries.

Sega Saturn
This is more of a shoutout then anything, but a lot of collectors are looking for Sega Saturns. Not to mention, these are easier to fry then an angry Nintendo 64. More then half of the 9-17 million Sega Saturn sales are in the UK/Japan, so that leaves 5-8 million American consoles here.

3DO/Atari Jaguar/PhillIps CD-i
Maybe a couple of these portables would be fine, but leave these for collectors. Most of the games for these systems suck anyway.

Leave these for collectors, PLEASE don't mod these.
It would be dumb to mod these, as they are extremely rare.

Nintendo 64DD
There are not many games for this system, and it only sold about 15,000 units. IT WOULD BE VERY WISE TO LEAVE THIS UNTOUCHED.

PC Engine AV Booster
I doubt many people will mod this, or even HEARD about it, but this is an extremely rare unit that adds AV-input for the PC Engine/Turbografx-16. No reason to mod this, so don't.

This is VERY rare unit, and did not sell very many units. It would be dumb to portablize this.

Dreamcast Broadband Adapter
There are VERY FEW of these out there, so do not incorporate these in a portable. Leave these for consumers/collectors.

Any modems for 5th/4th generation consoles
These are very rare, and probably not supported in the United States anymore aside from the Sega Saturn Xband/Netlink modem. Try not to incorporate these in a portable or modify them.

Magnovox Odyssey/2

Panasonic Q
Not many of these Gamecube multi-media players sold, and they are very rare and expensive.

PSX (The Japanese multi-media player)
These are getting very rare, and it would be stupid to mod one of these.

If I'm missing something, leave a comment. I'll research what you suggested me, and if it rare I'll put it on the list.
You should seriously consider putting the GBL on the collectors only list, considering there are only 9 on eBay, all of which are Japan imports and pretty expensive, and especially considering that backlighting a GBP is incredibly easy and looks better. THere's really no reason anyone would or should mod a GBL
No, it's on the slightly-moderately rare list. I'm suggesting you move it to collectors only.

But it's only a suggestion, you don't have to do it.
Please, reword that. Saying do not mod/do not portabilize just pisses people off and maybe makes noobs want to do it even more. Maybe say, it's best left to collectors, or try not to mod if possible, or something a little bit nicer.

Other than that, good list.
XCVG said:
Please, reword that. Saying do not mod/do not portabilize just pisses people off and maybe makes noobs want to do it even more. Maybe say, it's best left to collectors, or try not to mod if possible, or something a little bit nicer.

Other than that, good list.
Just for the record, to my knowledge, there was no Xband for the Saturn in the US; The US got the Netlink, which still works for playing games today since it was never dependent on servers or the like. They're not very common, though they're available if you look around, but they're not that valuable, either. Mod in moderation, I'd say.

EDIT: Also, good luck portabilizing an Odyssey even if you tried; if I recall correctly, they're all made up almost exclusively of discrete components (meaning no ICs), so it'd be ridiculously hard to make one small enough to portabilize. The schematics exist for them, though, so if you find them, you could probably assemble your own!
Panasonic Q.
Hate to see one of these chopped up. They are beautiful and getting hard to find and extremely expensive.
mako321 said:
didn't you used to region mod them in your closet or something?

Region Mod is a LOT different than tearing them apart for a portable.

When I got done it looked the same but was better :)
hailrazer said:
Panasonic Q.
Hate to see one of these chopped up. They are beautiful and getting hard to find and extremely expensive.
I was actually thinking of the Gamecube multi-media player that was released in Japan, but I forgot the name of it. Thanks for reminding me.
I wonder if my friend still has his dreamcast broadband adapter. I know he was looking at selling it at one point.