Very rich man here, looking to buy your finished stuff.

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I currently have about 2 grand in my paypal account to spend on nonsense crap. And i am looking for a portable Nintendo 64 (or a backlit gameboy pocket in superb condition). Does anyone happen to have a good one for sale, I am generous.
Sounds Legit to me. I have a N64 Portable, nice condition. How much you willing to spend? It's about 2 inches thick, 6 inches long. it has a c stick and analog, 6 in" screen, and the battery lasts about 9 hours.
You might want to ask Bentomo or Shockslayer about making a N64 portable as a commission for you. Hackmodford (On and Hailrazer would gladly build one too.
Or zenloc, he'd definitely do it and he's looking for the oppurtunity. He's just finished a beauty, the now third smallest n64p in the world.
I'll do it too, but I've never done an N64p, so I don't know what it'll turn out like.
I'm making a 7" N64 laptop with 4200 mAh lipo batteries and an expansion pak over winter break to sell, will probably be going somewhere in the ballpark of $300- $400.
I am almost finished with a PSonep!

I just need a little bit for a new controller and possable a new soldering iron and some more solder and such things.
I can add a battery pack to it also. ::3:



I also have a PSone screen but I need to replace the polerizer on it. Would be easy enough if I had the $. :cry4:
snowpenguin said:
I'm making a 7" N64 laptop with 4200 mAh lipo batteries and an expansion pak over winter break to sell, will probably be going somewhere in the ballpark of $300- $400.
that sounds good.

and i am only interested in 2 things. and they both have to look really good, I MEAN REALLY GOOD if im going to spend my hundreds on them.

1. a gameboy POCKET (im sorry argelfraster) with a backlight screen/ or charging capabilities.

2.A portable n64 that doesint look like it was made entirely out of glue by a 13 year old. its gotta look good/be small/have all buttons without Z L switches or whatever the Heck.

Post pictures too so i know what im going for and what people here are willing to sell.
Yoshilime M.R. said:
Sounds Legit to me. I have a N64 Portable, nice condition. How much you willing to spend? It's about 2 inches thick, 6 inches long. it has a c stick and analog, 6 in" screen, and the battery lasts about 9 hours.
let me have a look

J.D said:
You might want to ask Bentomo or Shockslayer about making a N64 portable as a commission for you. Hackmodford (On and Hailrazer would gladly build one too.
i dont like shockslayers inventions
modshroom128 said:
i dont like shockslayers inventions
have you seen any of his new stuff?? :confused:

also, if you want beautiful, like, perfect, talk to hailraizer or zenloc. as for the backlit gameboy, talk to bibin. ;)
modshroom128 said:
snowpenguin said:
I'm making a 7" N64 laptop with 4200 mAh lipo batteries and an expansion pak over winter break to sell, will probably be going somewhere in the ballpark of $300- $400.
that sounds good.

and i am only interested in 2 things. and they both have to look really good, I MEAN REALLY GOOD if im going to spend my hundreds on them.

1. a gameboy POCKET (im sorry argelfraster) with a backlight screen/ or charging capabilities.
You can take a look at my GBC project to see if you like my work. ... 25&t=16938
Also, I can do a pocket, if you send me one to work on.
1) All portables cost hundreds. Over half of them don't look that good. For $300-$400 on an N64p, you shouldn't expect it to look that great.

2) Laptops are portable, but they're not handhelds. Laptops have controller ports. With a laptop, you flip up a screen and plug in a normal controller. (Laptops often look better)

pLover, you don't know what you're talking about. Zenloc's n64p, the beautiful one, went for only $550. Portables are in a recession like the rest of the country, $400 is a good price for a nice looking n64p. Gtfo.
pLover said:
1) All portables cost hundreds. Over half of them don't look that good. For $300-$400 on an N64p, you shouldn't expect it to look that great.

2) Laptops are portable, but they're not handhelds. Laptops have controller ports. With a laptop, you flip up a screen and plug in a normal controller. (Laptops often look better)

i realize they cost hundreds and i do not care, my business is dealing and business is booming.
I do not want a laptop, i would like a portable near this grade ... -is-still/ or almost as good as something like this ... n64-style/

we can discuss the price after i see pictures.

and the gameboy pocket with backlight is also very important... argelfester if you decide to show me finished pictures of your backlit gameboys i will give you the money to purchase the gameboy and then all the money its gunna take you to work on it, then ill pay you for making it.

or if someone already has a backlit gameboy pocket id be happy to purchase it on the spot, depending on how well it looks
I know what zelnoc's N64p went for. $300-$400 is good for a decent looking N64p. "Beautiful" ones often go for $500-650.
snowpenguin said:

pLover, you don't know what you're talking about. Zenloc's n64p, the beautiful one, went for only $550. Portables are in a recession like the rest of the country, $400 is a good price for a nice looking n64p. Gtfo.
id be happy to pay 400+ for a nice looking n64p. whos selling
No one has any pre-made, at the moment. There are quite a few in-progress and you can commission someone to make one for you. (I recommend zelnoc, hailrazer, or benmoto. Marshall is another good user to consider.)
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