(Very possibly) visiting Japan, what should I get?


No Stranger To Love
Long story short, I may be going to Japan for Christmas to see my (Japanese) family. One of my Japanese uncles is dying and my dad wants to see him before he dies (my dad lived in Japan from 1985 up until he graduated in '89).

Exchange rate sucks right now - 90 yen to the dollar. That's terrible. However my dad says he'll double the amount of money I save up for the trip, so if I save up $250 I'll be able to buy $500(?) worth of Japanese stuff.

Does anyone know the (average) price for Japanese retro games and stuff IN Japan? What should I get?
a cheap hooker? nah, hit up that massive videogame store that sells pallet loads of consoles for cheap.
Sega Saturn SHIRO!

No Famicom.

If it's possible to mod a Super Famicom controller for NTSC console use I'll pick one of those up. If I can find a Hori Minipad for really cheap I'll sell it for like $70 here. Mother 3 would be cool, along with some Japanese Game Boy and Nintendo 64 games.

I need something REALLY COOL to look for though.

THAT'S *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING AWESOME! Did you go there when you went to Japan?
Eh, probably not a whole-whole lot. They already let off their Japanese stuff for super cheap.
when I was there, it was like ¥80 to the dollar, I think. Everything in Japan is like 20% more, so I just treated it as ¥100 to the dollar.
Authentic sushi.

And no, not all sushi has raw fish. Get the vegetarian kind. Yummy flax.