TW's PC Adventure Thread

Twilight Wolf said:
Also, I don't want to return the Linksys card I bought because there's nothing wrong with it. I'd feel dishonest.
Didn't you weasel some free hdmi cables from Vizio a while back? :rofl:
I didn't weasel anything out of them -- I requested one as compensation for the pain-in-the-assery it was to exchange the TV I bought from them twice and still not get a fully-working model and for customer service being no help to me (it's not that they couldn't help me, but it was more that they wouldn't). They sent me one with an apology letter, then another one later on for no reason. I still don't know why I got a second one.
Oh yeah, that's right. I remembered only part of the story. I think I had that same model Vizio, with the same speaker problems as you.
Is you 2wire modem the size of a desktop? Unless you live in a closet, you should be able to find room for it. I don't feel sorry for you. :wink: You have plenty of ways to do what you need to do.