This Forum Needs More Posters!


If someone can show me how to add the ModRetro pic an link to sigs I will definitely do it. I would like to see this forum more active. It seems like most of the helpful advice her comes from maybe ten posters. I know that portablizers occupy a small niche but I think we can attract more people to this forum. I mean, right now i am the only member visiting this forum. Well, me and google adsense.
For this pic, copy this code and paste it into your sig:

Or this one:
We need a way so that when you click on the image, it brings you to the forum.

And I agree, we need more posters. A lot of us are rather busy with summer events, so do not feel down about the current low traffic. ;)
PalmerTech said:
We need a way so that when you click on the image, it brings you to the forum.

I can do that!



There seems to be not a lot of posting right now. That makes me kind of sad, because I just started my N64p project.

If you want more members then write some reviews, if we have a good review site then we can entice more members here!
A lot of people are going back to school, and others are preparing for the weekend, this is a common weekend to be on summer vacation, it seems. We have at least a few members on vacation right now.
bacteria said:
Let's have everyone using the ModRetro banner and linking them to this forum, on all the forums they visit!
had to bump this, eh? i thought i had i nice and killed. :twisted:

good idea, although i think mos of us already do have that. :wink:
I'll try to remain active during this coming semester but it may be hard considering I'll have Work and classes plus I'll have to make sure I spend time with my wife and take care of the lawn while trying to remodel. Gonna be busy....