Thinking about this screen...

I don't get people's fear of widescreen...

N64 hooked up to my 16:9 1080p TV looks just fine thank you very much.
N64 hooked up to my widescreen tv looks terrible.

But my tv displays all nonhd stuff flaxty lol.

Some people don't mind the stretching, others do. Pure preference.
jleemero said:
I don't get people's fear of widescreen...

N64 hooked up to my 16:9 1080p TV looks just fine thank you very much.
Trollin' trollin' trollin', keep them Jellies tollin', RAWHIDE.
I've tried widescreen. It looks OKAY, it's playable, but it doesn't look RIGHT. Not to mention that a widescreen is bad for most portables because of the shape of the thing. You'd have to make it wider for the same size screen.
In my opinion it depends. sidescrollers and 2d games look like crap on my 7" dvd player, but when being used with 3d games (anything form like a playstaion/n64/saturn andbeyond) it looks great.