They're re-doing our park

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He who mods in thy basement.
We live on a park, and they're remodeling the whole thing, complete with a walking path, playground, splashpad, basketball and tennis courts, and lots of new landscaping, mostly trees.

Now, my family always seems to draw the short straw in everything.

Here are two examples of trees our neighbors had planted behind their houses:



Here is the only tree that we got:


Exactly. It looks like a twig stuck in the ground. :lol:

We are the only people who live on the park who got less than 2 trees behind their house, and the only ones who got anything other than a flowering tree or a pine tree.

We got a midget maple tree.


I will use this thread to document the construction when interesting stuff happens.
This is the least interesting blogging thread ever. Tempted to lock.

Oh, and rename it "Blog about a dead tree"
1. Get good tree, like the ones your neighbors got.
2. Dig up twig, plant good tree in it's place.
3. ?????
4. Profit.

Or swap it with one of the neighbor's trees. :awesome:
βeta said:
Stop being so optimistic.

That would take like 60 years.
Stop being so pessamistic.
That could take like 59 years and 365 days. (It might be a leap year)
βeta said:
This is the least interesting blogging thread ever. Tempted to lock.

Oh, and rename it "Blog about a dead tree"
:) I love your post.

Stop being so pessamistic.
That could take like 59 years and 365 days. (It might be a leap year)
impossible unless there is a shift in the time-space continuum. It is not a leap year this year, and it won't be in 60 years. (sorry to burst your bubble, but you're a dumbass)
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