thelukestir and kylechu are making a portable!


Well-Known Member
So yeah, thelukestir and I have been making an awesome n64 portable, and we've just started taking pictures of it. We've made most of the mistakes that can be made to fry an n64, so we have a feeling that this is going to be the one that makes it. Anyways, here's some pictures.


Everything expertly laid out with our names on there. We wouldn't want anyone else to take credit for this beauty.


All powered up and hanging out in half of our case.

So yeah, hopefully this will be updated later when it's more done and looks better. :)
In case anyone was wondering that is an expansion pack not a jumper pack and we will be using a gcn stick. batteries also run for 2.5 hours + on a full charge. Oh and the power button is an nes button because it's awesome and also because that's all i had lying around
nvm figured out how to edit I think a portable n64 sounds like a great idea tho I would like to help?


I think I did it
I went to goodwill and found a nice case for frankencasing. Also decided to use kyle's idea of changing the battery circuitry... pics tomorrow :trollface:
I managed to burn through 2 n64s in under 24 hours, a feat worthy of a god. However I managed to get the second one to the state that the last one was in (trimmed, wired, cart relocated) in a matter of about 4 or 5 hours w/ some css thrown in the middle so it should be back on track as soon as i can hit up a goodwill and pick me up a 64. either way, everything fits in the case with plenty of room for wiring and 0 smushing down of parts / wires. The only thing I'm worried about is the z and r buttons. I'm currently torn between ps2 and gc l and r buttons... thoughts? They will likely be jutting out of the back bottom of the case. (see video)